Max stared at the wall. He threw the chewed paperclip into the plastic cup and picked up a fresh one.
‘How many is that?’ Darcy asked from across the cubicle divide.
‘Ten.’ Max answered, putting the new paperclip between his teeth.
‘You’re not functioning well today.’
‘A-ha!’ Max shouted and spat out the paperclip. Leaning forward he wrote on the crossword. ‘D-y-s-f-u-n-c-t-i-o-n-a-l. ‘An inability to work with hollowed-out dry and stiff ointment.”
He threw the newspaper down in triumph.
Darcy looked over at him. ‘Can we get on with actual work now?’
‘I’m all yours. Remind me to order more paperclips later.’
Copyright Claire Sheldon
Written as part of the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (more details HERE). The idea is to write a short story of 100 words based on the photo prompt (above).
To read stories of 100 words based on this week’s prompt, visit HERE.