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anisio nogueira

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So What If Science Has No Conscience?

2 de Julho de 2017, 15:34 , por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA - | No one following this article yet.
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One of the most poignant of persuasions I have come under in my life is that Science has no conscience. Life is just based in a spin of a wheel or a roll of a die and balance and sense, if any, only exists in cosmic terms, not in themes. But we humans love themes? Love, loyalty, world peace etc. Yeah, as we should because a spite to Science’s ignorance is that a person can grow a conscience. What does this all mean?

I designed a thought experiment to illustrate this. Picture a handicapped toddler. What feeling does this arouse? Well, for most people, it is pity wrapped up in an implicit thought of advantage over that person. This is not only instinctive but also primitive. Growing conscience in a suggested context is deliberately shaping how you feel so that it becomes more thoughtful, fair and reasonable- traits…

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anisio nogueira

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