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anisio nogueira

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Thor’s Cave…

5 de Julho de 2017, 5:08 , por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA - | No one following this article yet.
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Stuart France


Had there been any doubt about where we were going next…

Which there wasn’t.



For once, our destination proved quite easy to get to.

A car park was suggested by the guidebook and in the car park were easy to follow directions.



Not too far away to be too uncomfortable.

But just far enough away to deter commercialisation.



These are all metaphors.

And the metaphors continued at the mouth of the cave.



Whose approach to the interior provided an effective deterrent against the casual tourist.

But not to us because we are not.



The thing about caves…

You never want them to end…



But they always do.



Which is why we deal in metaphysics.

The way beyond the end of the earth is Geometry.



Which does not so much measure the earth.


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