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anisio nogueira

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April 3, 2011 21:00 , par Inconnu - | No one following this article yet.

“Estamos assistindo a uma espécie de revanche das elites” — CartaCapital

January 1, 2018 10:21, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

O dominicano Xavier Plassat, um dos líderes da luta contra o trabalho escravo na Comissão Pastoral da Terra, fala sobre o governo Temer

Fonte: “Estamos assistindo a uma espécie de revanche das elites” — CartaCapital

Ten People Killed in Iran Protests — Peace and Freedom

January 1, 2018 8:16, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

AFP, REUTERS | Published — Monday 1 January 2018 People protest in Tehran, Iran Dec. 30, 2017 in in this picture obtained from social media. (Reuters) . Tehran: Iranian state media Monday reported that 10 protesters have been killed in the ongoing protests across the country, two were shot dead overnight in the large town of Izeh in […]

via Ten People Killed in Iran Protests — Peace and Freedom

CHORUS GREGORIAN – HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 ! — Octavpelin’s Weblog

January 1, 2018 8:11, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

via CHORUS GREGORIAN – HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 ! — Octavpelin’s Weblog

Feliz 2018. Feliz? — blog da kikacastro

January 1, 2018 8:11, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Texto escrito por José de Souza Castro: O ano de 2017 acabou sem deixar saudades para a maioria dos brasileiros que começam a sentir os efeitos perniciosos das mudanças na legislação trabalhista, enquanto permanecem como que atordoados diante do que pode acontecer com a Previdência Social e com o destino de nossas riquezas naturais cobiçadas por […]

via Feliz 2018. Feliz? — blog da kikacastro

Blue – Ritu Bhathal #writephoto — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

January 1, 2018 8:10, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

“Ken, what’s up? you’re looking a bit blue?” Sindy siddled up to Ken, who was stood, leaning against the barriers, looking out over the river. “What? Oh nah, I’m fine. Just chillin’, you know.” He stepped back, trying to put a little distance between himself and the brunette bombshell who had caused enough strife between […]

via Blue – Ritu Bhathal #writephoto — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

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