a solidão — bálsamo benigno
23 de Junho de 2017, 6:33a solidão não é um vazio a solidão é um cheio de tudo um abarrotamento dentro da gente no grande silêncio de fora Vera Lúcia de Oliveira
via a solidão — bálsamo benigno
Fri, 23 Jun 2017 09:32:05 +0000
23 de Junho de 2017, 6:32Everyone thinks they have the best dog in the world. None of them are wrong. ~ Shower Thoughts Photo: (via Newthom)
via Truth! — Live
What Is North Korea’s Real Strategy?
23 de Junho de 2017, 5:25NK has been in the news a lot lately…..from its rhetoric to the launching of multiple missiles to its continuing nuke research….and there have been many opinions and analyses on why this small Asian country is doing what it is doing.
I am not an expert on East Asian relations so I have to depend on others for their opinions and analyses…..I read a paper written by a person that is just such an expert…..do not know if I agree with him completely but I bow to his expertise….
North Korea’s quest for nuclear weapons is often depicted as a “rational” response to its strategic imperatives of national security and regime survival. In fact, North Korea seeks to decouple the US and its South Korean partner – a split that would enable the reunification of the Korean Peninsula on Kim’s terms.
In fact, North Korea’s appetite for nuclear weapons is…
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193. the lighthouse
23 de Junho de 2017, 5:24“.193. the lighthouse.”
has been accepted into The Creative Cafe.
sincere thanks to Jake.
Source: 193. the lighthouse
A margine di un campo fiorito di Cicognola
23 de Junho de 2017, 5:24C’è un altro alitar in quei campi e nella bella stagione,
un alitar lieve e soffuso di nobili spiriti dal volto caro e familiare?
Con lento andare passa da qui amico e tu pure forestiero e se un fremito forte senti
lo saprai di certo e capirai chi lì s’aggira qual ombra tra l’ombre festanti e liete.
Non sono forse le anime buone, le tante anime giuste e pie
che in vita a Veronica e a questo luogo resero con opere e preghiere santa e cara devozione?
Sì, sono d’una catena lunga, maglie robuste, alcuni anelli
vi è poi tra esse quella del curato santo e poi ancora di ombre note e ombre sconosciute.
Giuseppe Gianpaolo Casarini