Full text of Trump’s executive order on 7-nation ban, refugee suspension
28 de Janeiro de 2017, 14:51:: crumbs ::
28 de Janeiro de 2017, 12:54she orders a sonnet about modern tech
nology , some recent language urban
slang. wiki & googling helps while spellcheck
defeats nistakes . publishing on blurb and
lulu. gifs no issue. focus on taste.
.work. memes are impossible to pronounce.
denounce the pass it forward, copy/ paste.
why write verse when we can talk or announce
loudly.. save in my cloud to edit share
. no rhyme no more. no elizabethan
manner. we taps it clear. is with difficulty
keyboards sticky, some have no empathy
that I prefer old ways. yet computer
smart create in a more abstract manner
Noma Is an Island
28 de Janeiro de 2017, 12:53A typical street scene in central Petersburg, 27 January 2017. Photo by TRR
Culinary Nomalism has finally blazed a trail to lowly Petersburg, ex-capital of All the Russias.
EM is a unique modernist [sic] cuisine restaurant where everything from the bread to the coffee is prepared on an AGA cooker in the open-kitchen dining room.
December — January
Spinach brioche with black caviar and edamame cream
Shrimps with cauliflower and red tea sauce
Neat’s tongue with baked portobello and blue tea chips
Walnut with prunes mousse and powdered porcini
Sterlet with grey cheesecake and raspberry sauce
Stewed lamb with yellow tomatoes in different textures
Sea buckthorn souffle with coconut
Since just about everyone in Petersburg is (not) rolling in money, Nomalism’s advent in the city, which has just been celebrating the latest anniversary of the lifting of the 900-day Nazi Siege that killed off half its population in living…
Ver o post original 137 mais palavras
FALANDO DE MUROS! * Talking about walls
28 de Janeiro de 2017, 12:50Poesias e Cia - Ana de Lourdes Teixeira
Agora as cercas não separaram apenas o gado. Separam países, pessoas, escolhas e opiniões…
Acabou a inteligência que administra,
que reflete,
que dialoga,
que se compadece.
Ainda bem que somos “Caixinhas de Vento”…
Ana de Lourdes Teixeira – Janeiro, 2017