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anisio nogueira

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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Most people make fewer mistakes than the elites

30 de Janeiro de 2024, 10:29, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Politics and law should be governed by ethics, and it is not rationally possible to have an ethics exclusively constructed by Man. While the popular expression ‘voice of the people, voice of God’ makes no sense, it is also true that the people (that is, the majority) make far fewer mistakes than the elites. In […]

Most people make fewer mistakes than the elites

“Retribution” on Horror Sleaze Trash

30 de Janeiro de 2024, 10:28, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

(Photo by Olga Korolenko on Unsplash) I’m pleased to announce that my poem, “Retribution,” has been published today on Horror Sleaze Trash. I want to thank Arthur Graham for publishing it. This poem contains sexual references and violence that may disturb some readers. Just giving you a heads-up! Here’s the opening lines: Retribution by Dawn […]

“Retribution” on Horror Sleaze Trash

A Milestone to Celebrate!

30 de Janeiro de 2024, 10:27, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

The constellationsthe moonthe sunthe whispers in the treesthe breeze aroundour facesthe waveskissing the shoreThey all knewbefore we did… When we first met, the future gave no intimation as to what it held for us, but what evolved was a love without a finish line, deepening as we basked in each moment spent together. Thirty-five years […]

A Milestone to Celebrate!

Days are Measured by Yearnings of Desire

30 de Janeiro de 2024, 10:27, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Our days are measured by the sun that rises and sets, the blowing of the wind casting all worries behind, the rain that washes our fears away, the rustling of trees, birds singing sweet songs, the stump that invites us to rest our limbs, paths inviting adventure. Yearnings of desire! Have a beautiful Wednesday, no […]

Days are Measured by Yearnings of Desire

O que se sabe sobre funcionários de agência da ONU demitidos por suposto elo com ataques do Hamas a Israel | Mundo | G1

27 de Janeiro de 2024, 13:59, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Israel acusou funcionários da UNRWA de terem participado do episódio de 7 de outubro; agência de assistência humanitária prometeu investigar.

Fonte: O que se sabe sobre funcionários de agência da ONU demitidos por suposto elo com ataques do Hamas a Israel | Mundo | G1

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