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anisio nogueira

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Veganismo: “los deseos se desarman”

26 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:53, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Negra cubana tenía que ser

Anamias, no sabes cuánto me has removido con tus palabras. Al punto que me he quedado pegada a la cama escuchándote mientras hay un día de sol en Alemania. ¿Sabes lo que significan unos minutos de sol en este país gris? En fin, me dejas revuelta, pensante y en silencio. Veganismo, antiespecismo, feminismo… Se te agradece.

Más sobre Anamias:

Su tienda: Viveg
Su editorial: Kanaj Ediciones
Su activismo: Defensa antiespecista

Imagen tomada de Kanaj Ediciones.

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Escândalos – André Luiz Gadelha

26 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:44, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA



André Luiz Gadelha

“Porque é necessário que sucedam os escândalos,

mas ai daquele homem por quem vem os escândalos”.

Mateus – 18: 6-11

A passagem bíblica sob a autoria de Jesus, segundo Mateus, mostra que o escândalo é razão para nos endividarmos moralmente: “…ai daquele homem por quem vem os escândalos”.

Então, o Evangelho se contradiz? Afinal, na mesma passagem, afirma-se que “… é necessário que sucedam os escândalos”.

Como escândalo, entendamos o mal. O mal jamais é necessário. O mal entristece, magoa, ofende, fere, deprime e traz toda uma gama de sentimentos ruins que obscurece a nossa alma. Desta forma, será que algo que tantos prejuízos nos traz é realmente necessário?

A humanidade, hoje, é análoga a uma criança que, mesmo diante dos apelos e avisos dos pais, movida pela teimosia, coloca o dedo numa tomada elétrica. O que acontece? Leva um choque, assusta-se e chora. Eis que…

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Polizeinachwuchs hat Mühe, „den geforderten interlektuellen Erwartungshorizont zu erreichen“ |

26 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:43, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Mit anderen Worten, nachzulesen im FOCUS: Beamte packen aus: Der Polizeinachwuchs wird immer unfähiger

Fonte: Polizeinachwuchs hat Mühe, „den geforderten interlektuellen Erwartungshorizont zu erreichen“ |

An insightful review of “Understanding Eritrea” in Times Higher Education

26 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:42, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Understanding Eritrea: Inside Africa’s Most Repressive State, by Martin Plaut

A study of the North African country lays bare a ruler at war with his own people, says Joanna Lewis

January 26, 2017
President Isaias Afewerki of Eritrea
President Isaias Afewerki

President Isaias Afewerki
Chairman of the State Council
Chairman of the Transitional National Assembly
C-in-c of the Armed Forces
Chancellor of Institutes of Higher Learning
Chairman of the PFDJ [the sole political party]
Vice-President – vacant since 2001

There have been no elections in Eritrea since 1993. Instead, as the above extract from Martin Plaut’s masterful account perfectly illustrates, this tiny state in North Africa is ruled by dictatorship. In 2015, a United Nations Commission of Inquiry concluded that Eritreans endure “systemic widespread and gross human rights violations” and “a total lack of the rule of law”.

“Eritrea was born a one party state”, as Plaut, an Institute of Commonwealth Studies…

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As Far As the Eyes Can See

26 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:42, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

From Behind the Pen

Reading a Map, Searching, Seeking, Dreaming

As Far As the Eyes Can See

Who said a dream had to be near sighted
narrow-minded, complicated or limited?
Who said dreams are only for those who sleep
the naïve who foolishly wish upon a shooting star
or break the big end of a wishbone?
How do we measure the scope of a dream?

Must we conform to the standards of others
spiritless to reach beyond what the eyes can see
a vision of an end at the beginning
the beginning of seeing your vision through
birthing the gift you are implanted with by God
envisioning the endless possibilities
of a dream that seems impossible in the eyes of others.

Just a dream away
with hope, aspiring to unleash our hidden potential
releasing the fear to proceed and succeed
capturing greatness within our grasp
by merely reaching outward
with faith to perceive, believe and achieve.

Run where others dare…

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anisio nogueira

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