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anisio nogueira

Tela cheia


3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

The Moment I Became an Adult

25 de Janeiro de 2017, 12:19, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Some people think that you become an adult upon turning eighteen years old, or at least 21 when you can legally drink. Others say it’s when you get your driver’s license. Now, I don’t want to argue semantics, but I firmly believe that the milestone of adulthood, for me, was my first time.

My first time putting my phone out of commission the night before the first day of college and having to independently deal with the consequences of my stupidity, I mean. In the absence of my phone, I deployed such resourceful thinking—of which no one, especially not I, would’ve believed me capable—that I felt an overwhelming urge after-the-fact to sit down and pen a pretentious college application essay. (Naturally, I didn’t, but you have to admit it would’ve been the logical progression.)

School started on the 24th of August. Thus, the 23rd was filled with kickoff…

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Superficialidade e ignorância nas análises sobre Trump | Brasil 24/7

25 de Janeiro de 2017, 10:03, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Trump não é um acidente, mas um fenômeno necessário da trajetória política americana e mundial. É irrelevante que Trump tenha rejeitado um tratado que nunca existiu e que nunca provavelmente existiria na prática

Fonte: Superficialidade e ignorância nas análises sobre Trump | Brasil 24/7

A CIDADE TRISTE | Luíz Müller Blog

25 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:51, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

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Fonte: A CIDADE TRISTE | Luíz Müller Blog

In the News (#707)

25 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:35, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

The Honest Courtesan

The bedroom or the dungeon is a place where, with consenting partners, we are allowed to act out power games, even childish ones.
–  Mistress Matisse

Do As I Say, Not As I Do rapey-cop-tyler-valimont

Even cops who pay whores may use threats to obtain compliance:

[Pennsylvania cop] Tyler Valimont…faces five misdemeanor charges…[for meeting a sex worker]…Valimont threatened to arrest her if she didn’t respond to his calls and text messages…during their encounter on November 7, she recognized Valimont as a past customer who paid her…in September…

King of the Hill

Small cities not ambitious enough to claim one of the top spots in the “trafficking hotspot” pissing contest still make ridiculous claims about numbers, “circuits”, highways and the inability of women to drive or make hotel reservations:

Omaha is known as a hot spot for human trafficking.  It is located on the same routes drug dealers have…

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25 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:29, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Source of Inspiration


M any play the game of control
A lways looking for ways to manipulate others
N ever playing a straight game
I nvitations with hidden purposes
P eople too willing to be fooled
U sing our greed and indifference to control us
L aughing at a world of fools
A ll is a game to the manipulator
Think carefully to avoid his traps
E ven manipulators sometimes fall for the game

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anisio nogueira

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