25 de Janeiro de 2017, 6:56A entrega não pressupõe reciprocidade. Quem doa, seja lá o que for, não deve esperar nenhum tipo de recompensa, caso contrário, não será doação, será troca. Há quem doa para acumular capital sobre quem recebe. Pensa que, porque deu, se apoderou da vida de quem deverá permanecer eternamente dependente da generosidade alheia. Não houve doação, foi armadilha.
My Mavourneen
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 21:44Undress me, my mavourneen
And set my soul on fire.
Scratch my whole body,
And let me bleed and moan
Until I find your soul and body
within my existence.
Let’s merge into each other my dear
And create the most sensual symphony.
Keeping Only the True
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 21:42Tether to be loosened
No matter the tie
Only in honour
Be allowed to remain
Value and worth
Practiced out loud
Guiltless selection
Coming off social media part two
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 21:38I’ve actively been off of the Facebook app for two days now and whilst it may not be a lot of time I have made small changes.
- I’ve been more present with my friends
- I have got more university work done
- I’m getting more important things done in general e.g. all the “adult-self” stuff I touched upon in the last blog.
- I’ve realised that I have better things to do, even if it is work concerning uni.
However, I have had to keep using my messenger for contact reasons and so I do still have a Facebook account but I have not logged into it (admittedly one of my friends who knew I was doing this tagged me in a meme and I swear that’s the only time I have been on, literally for 10 seconds in two days so it is definitely progress.
There is one thing I do…
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