Guacamole com Crocante de Bacon da PriSoterio
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 13:07Oiiii Pessoas! Bora comer Abacate? Se você, assim como eu, só conhecia Abacate com Açúcar, está na hora de mudar seu pensamento. Meio doido acreditar que Abacate é gostoso em um Prato Saudável e Salgado. Mas acredite: É DEMAIS DE BOM!
Ontem eu estava Inspiradíssima! Na verdade não era bem Inspiração, era Vontade! Eu estava louca para experimentar um Guacamole e chamar de MEU!
O Guacamole é uma iguaria típica da culinária do México, servida com uma variedade de pratos.
Eu já havia experimentado e não havia me apaixonado. Na verdade, faltava algo que prendesse o meu paladar. Aquele toque pessoal que me conectasse ao Guacamole. Passei tempo pensando em fazer um para chamá-lo de MEU!
Quando mudamos os hábitos alimentares somos encorajados a encarar o fogão para criar receitas dentro do que queremos comer. A cozinha passa ser um ambiente de alegria ao contrário do ambiente que nos fazia…
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“You Lose . . . Comrade”
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 13:04Alexander Dugin and John Candy: Not Separated at Birth
Eurasianist leader and self-confessed fascist Alexander Dugin had something he wanted to say to you about Donald Trump and the US presidential elections.
Dugin and his voiceover artists’ delivery and (unintentional) self-parody reminded me of the Second City Television (SCTV) episode in which the lowly Melonville station’s signal is temporarily blocked and taken over by “CCCP1, Russian Television.”
But that was meant to be funny. And it was also meant to parody not so much the actual Soviet Union (although it did a little of that, too, especially in its prescient “vilification” of “Uzbeks”) as it did North American Cold War attitudes and stereotypes of the Soviet Union.
Now what begun as high farce has returned as . . . I wanted to say tragedy, but it’s really the most vulgar of comedies. It’s definitely not funny anymore, though, whatever the real or imagined connections…
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The Greatest Place in the World
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 13:03The greatest place in the world is always wherever I am standing, and right now that place is Barangay Botongon, Estancia (Philippines). I arrived back from Australia to Estancia last Thursday night and even though it can be such a challenge living here, the kids keep me coming back.
Jerry is celebrating his birthday next Monday so after school today we walked down the road to invite two of his older brothers to have birthday tea with us next week. I was thinking we could quickly run down the road and then get back in time to invite one of his little friends over for a play session. But then I didn’t factor in the kids. Mmm complete oversight.
First was Roy, I don’t even know where he saw us, Jerry had been holding my hand while dodging the mud and dirt (we had a talk today about caring for school…
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As Trump Takes Power, US Politicians Want to Ciminalize Protesting
24 de Janeiro de 2017, 13:01Source:, by Sarah Cronin
Indiana passed a bill on Wednesday that authorizes police officers to shut down highway protesting “by any means necessary.” S.B. 285, as it is known, obliges a public official to dispatch all available officers within 15 minutes of discovering any assembly of 10 or more people who are obstructing vehicle traffic.
The bill then authorizes the responding officers to clear roads “by any means necessary.”
Critics are calling it the “Block Traffic and You Die” bill, an apt name for a bill that has co-opted the phrase “any means necessary,” used famously in speech delivered by Malcolm X during the Civil Rights movement, turning it into a threat against government dissent (with no apparent awareness of the irony).
S.B. 285 is among a collection of increasingly hostile ‘anti-obstruction’ laws that have been quietly submitted in states around the nation over the past few months…
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