1 de Outubro de 2022, 7:00ANIMANDO A RUSIA Y CHINA — RE-EVOLUCIÓN
Hurricane Ian updates: Storm downgrades to cyclone after South Carolina landfall; death toll rises in Florida – WPVI-TV — Top stories – Google News
1 de Outubro de 2022, 6:58Hurricane Ian updates: Storm downgrades to cyclone after South Carolina landfall; death toll rises in Florida WPVI-TVHurricane Ian Slams South Carolina Coast NBC NewsPawleys Island pier collapses amid Ian surge Live 5 News WCSCIan barrels into South Carolina, causes major flooding and damage CBS NewsIan is no longer a normal hurricane as it lashes South Carolina CNN
Hurricane Ian updates: Storm downgrades to cyclone after South Carolina landfall; death toll rises in Florida – WPVI-TV — Top stories – Google News
Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow accused of killing citizens it claims are its own after illegal annexations – live — The Guardian
1 de Outubro de 2022, 6:58UK’s Ministry of Defence says Putin’s military tactics resulting in deaths of civilians in regions illegally annexed on FridayIt’s 12pm in Ukraine, here’s the latest:Ukraine has encircled Russia’s forces around a bastion that is critical for Moscow at the eastern town of Lyman, in an operation that is still under way. Russia’s forces at Lyman…
Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow accused of killing citizens it claims are its own after illegal annexations – live — The Guardian
TJ-SP autoriza ‘Festa da Vitória’ de LULA na Avenida Paulista, no domingo —
1 de Outubro de 2022, 6:56Decisão liminar reserva o tradicional espaço político do Brasil para o Partido dos Trabalhadores e seguidores do ex-presidente, após votação O post TJ-SP autoriza ‘Festa da Vitória’ de LULA na Avenida Paulista, no domingo apareceu primeiro em .
TJ-SP autoriza ‘Festa da Vitória’ de LULA na Avenida Paulista, no domingo —
A short break in Coniston — Down by the Dougie
1 de Outubro de 2022, 6:55
The week after our family holiday in the Midlands I was off again for a few days for a short solo break in Coniston where I’d booked into the Youth Hostel for a couple of nights. The weather forecast was mixed, especially the first day and at one point I contemplated cancelling. But, with summer […]
A short break in Coniston — Down by the Dougie