Oleg Oprisco
1 de Outubro de 2016, 12:14Gente, vocês já sabem que eu adoro contos de fadas (tenho que parar de falar isso), que eu fusso muito na internet vendo novidades relacionadas a livros, arte, mais contos, e fotografia (prometo que eu faço outras coisas antes).
Como eu tenho um Pinterest, eu gosto de procurar umas ideias criativas de lá, principalmente desenhos e ilustrações, fotografias, etc. Dando uma olhada sem ter algo preciso em mente, eu achei uma lindas fotos de Oleg Oprisco.
As imagens são lindas, do jeito que eu gosto, meio conto de fadas e meio desafiando a realidade (prometo que logo domino isso melhor para poder colocar link externo no direito), mas eu achei ele no Facebook | Site Oficial | Flickr. Ele é ucraniano, 23 anos e mora em Odessa.
Uma das coisas que eu percebi nas fotos deles que eu achei muito legal, é que ele faz com que as pessoas…
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Santa Esmeralda starring Leroy Gomez – Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood (1977) HD 0815007 – YouTube
1 de Outubro de 2016, 7:44Withstanding Life’s Wreckage
1 de Outubro de 2016, 7:41Life’s storm blows in from elsewhere.
She’s wrung out,
Washed up
By a swollen sea.
Breakers bear down,
Rolling in interminable hosts,
Torrents of foamy ghosts,
The only sounds of wind
And her wails:
Her mast is broken,
Jerking in a tangle of rigging and sails.
With Morpheus’ help, she dives under
And drifts into slumber,
Sails straight back
Into the raging tempest
Of another nightmare,
Clinging to the deck
Amid broken shards of sleep
And dawn’s shipwreck of sheets.
Stirred by keening gulls,
Light playing through her window
Encrusted with barnacle sparkles
Of salt and sun,
She surfaces,
Lifts languid limpet lids,
Remembers she has to walk the dog
And make breakfast for the kids.
© Kim M. Russell, 2016
The Shipwreck on Northern Sea Ivan Aivazovsky (1865)
My response to imaginary garden with real toads A Skyflower Friday – Shipwreck
Today Kerry is standing in for Fireblossom and…
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the world disappears
1 de Outubro de 2016, 7:40POSTCARD #224: New Delhi: Learning how to sleep without the pain meds and all those chemicals that used to help me so much before, but I’m just left there thinking about things in the darkness. Stories come and go, pondering over this and that, and the awareness of being caught up in the thinking thing gets included in the wandering. Searching for a way out, but if I think about how to stop thinking, the mind gets busy looking for a solution; finding something and comparing it with other reasons why I can’t stop thinking. Thinking has its own momentum, takes time for it to slow down, there’s the opportunity to allow it all to fizzle out. Everything evaporates for a moment.
In that instant there’s a no-thinking state, a great space opens up – an awareness of being aware. Silence and emptiness, held on pause. Then, somewhere on a…
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