Sermon for Self-Purification
25 de Novembro de 2016, 17:51Since election night, I’ve been waiting for my leadership–any leadership: in my workplace, in my church, in my political party–to say something. They haven’t. Not the something I’ve been waiting for. I’ve heard many calls for unity, for “moving toward one another,” even for action. Many leaders have implored us to enact love and respect, to begin the process of reconciliation we’ll need to recover from the divisiveness of the election.
The problem with that message, for me, and for many others, I think, is simple psychology: trauma. This election is different from other ones, and many of my friends feel trauma more than disappointment or anger. We can see this difference playing out in the number of people seeking therapists, calling in sick, and in our schools where our children imitate us in a sick micro-performance as detailed in yesterday’s Sunday Times. My husband and I work in schools…
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Frankfurt – Graffiti am Ratswegkreisel (73) November 2016 |
25 de Novembro de 2016, 17:49Meine letzte Bildersammlung mit Graffiti-Motiven vom Ratswegkreisel in Frankfurt ist mittlerweile 6 Wochen her, es wird mal wieder Zeit. Insgesamt sind es über 130 Bilder, alle habe ich in meinen F…
Fonte: Frankfurt – Graffiti am Ratswegkreisel (73) November 2016 |
25 de Novembro de 2016, 17:46Feeling cheated, exhausted and alone… She wished she could just turn to someone. Drowning in failure, sorrow and bills, things seemed to be dreadfully going downhill. What now, where now? she kept asking herself. The only place she felt safe, was curled up in her bed.
Cry, baby cry. Fighting the fire with your tears for tonight… Tomorrow will someday come… Cry, baby cry. You’re not done until you’re gone.
In response to November Notes Writing Challenge by Sarah Doughty of Heartstring Eulogies and Rosema from A Reading Writer .
Senadores reconhecem maus-tratos em hipismo, turfe, rodeio e abate
25 de Novembro de 2016, 17:45Na sessão da CCJ (Comissão de Constituição e Justiça) sobre a PEC da vaquejada, realizada no dia 23 de novembro, os senadores brasileiros reconheceram que há maus-tratos no hipismo, na corrida de cavalo (turfe), no rodeio e até mesmo no abate.
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