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anisio nogueira

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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Chaotic Geometric Pattern — Perkins Designs

29 de Novembro de 2021, 7:07, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

A contradiction in terms, yes – chaos & pattern. Nevertheless, this seemingly chaotic graphic design of geometric shapes, colors and textures is a repeating digital image. As such, it presents well on a variety of products you’ll discover in my shops. It also makes a great gift idea! 😉 Society 6 Redbubble Pixels Samples ~

Chaotic Geometric Pattern — Perkins Designs

Anthocyanins — Azimuth

28 de Novembro de 2021, 12:15, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

As the chlorophyll wanes, now is the heyday of the xanthophylls, carotenoids and anthocyanins. These contain carbon rings and chains whose electrons become delocalized… their wavefunctions resonating at different frequencies, emitting photons of yellow, orange and red! Yes, it’s fall. I’m enjoying it. I wrote about two xanthophylls in my May 27, 2014 diary […]

Anthocyanins — Azimuth

Anti-vaxxer tour of Covid-19 hospital goes awry — RT – Daily news

28 de Novembro de 2021, 12:09, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Police were called in to defuse rising tensions between doctors and anti-vaxxers at a hospital in Moscow on Friday. The pandemic skeptics had been invited to see the harrowing reality of Covid-19 for themselves. Earlier this week, leading doctors from 11 hospitals wrote an open letter inviting several prominent Russian anti-vaxxers and Covid skeptics to…

Anti-vaxxer tour of Covid-19 hospital goes awry — RT – Daily news

Democracia brasileira tem retrocesso irreversível com Bolsonaro, diz entidade — Blog da Cidadania

28 de Novembro de 2021, 11:48, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Foto: ADRIANO MACHADO O retrocesso democrático vivido pelo Brasil é único na região da América Latina e do Caribe, tanto por sua duração quanto por seu ponto de partida, de acordo com o documento do Idea, que tem sede em Estocolmo, na Suécia. O relatório explica que desde meados da década de 1990, e sobretudo…

Democracia brasileira tem retrocesso irreversível com Bolsonaro, diz entidade — Blog da Cidadania

Omicron: la dictadura del Nuevo Orden Mundial – William Sànchez Aveiga — Ramrock’s Blog

28 de Novembro de 2021, 11:47, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Publicado originalmente em Verdades Ofenden: *LA DICTADURA DEL NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL.-* Ante el anuncio de una presunta nueva cepa viral y una *nueva crisis* que supuestamente asola a Europa, y llegaría luego a Norte y Sur América, es oportuno advertir lo siguiente: *Los organismos como la OMS, OPS, la FDA, la EMA* y otros ligados…

Omicron: la dictadura del Nuevo Orden Mundial – William Sànchez Aveiga — Ramrock’s Blog

anisio nogueira

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