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anisio nogueira

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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Cosmic Landscape

29 de Dezembro de 2021, 7:17, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Perkins Designs

Digital space landscape scene featuring planets, stars, nebulous gases, an expansive cosmos and lens flare effects. You can also find many great products in these shops: Pixels and Redbubble. Thanks!


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Europe locks up amid Covid-19 surge — RT – Daily news

28 de Dezembro de 2021, 7:15, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Several European nations have announced new restrictions in response to an increase in coronavirus infections Countries across Europe are imposing restrictions on social life during the holiday season in response to a growing number of Covid-19 cases. The authorities fear hospitals could be overwhelmed by Omicron-variant patients. French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Monday…

Europe locks up amid Covid-19 surge — RT – Daily news

NASA angajează un preot catolic pentru a pregăti religiile pentru întâlnirea cu extratereștrii — SACCSIV – blog ortodox

27 de Dezembro de 2021, 9:21, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: NASA HIRES CATHOLIC PRIEST TO PREPARE RELIGIONS FOR ENCOUNTER WITH ALIENS NASA ANGAJEAZĂ UN PREOT CATOLIC PENTRU A PREGĂTI RELIGIILE DE ÎNTÂLNIREA CU EXTRATEREȘTRII De DAVID SIDMAN, 24 Decembrie 2021, Israel365 News „Şi pământul era netocmit şi gol.” (Facerea 1:2, după Biblia – Versiunea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române) Rev Dr. Andrew Davison (captură […]

NASA angajează un preot catolic pentru a pregăti religiile pentru întâlnirea cu extratereștrii — SACCSIV – blog ortodox

As tecnologias emergentes e a docência — TIC, Educação e Web

27 de Dezembro de 2021, 9:21, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

2021 Download | 1. Introducción A medida que el desarrollo tecnológico avanza rápidamente, surgen nuevas soluciones educativas que aprovechan la inteligencia artificial (IA), la realidad virtual y aumentada y la realidad mixta, las pantallas ajustadas a la cabeza y los sensores, la robótica social y el internet de las cosas habilitado por el 5G. En […]

As tecnologias emergentes e a docência — TIC, Educação e Web

Afghanistan’s Taliban ban long-distance road trips for solo women — BBC News – Home

27 de Dezembro de 2021, 7:49, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Afghanistan’s rulers say a male relative must accompany women travelling more than 45 miles (72km).

Afghanistan’s Taliban ban long-distance road trips for solo women — BBC News – Home

anisio nogueira

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