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anisio nogueira

Tela cheia


3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

I Decide

30 de Dezembro de 2016, 17:21, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

2017- MMXVII

30 de Dezembro de 2016, 17:20, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Astha Singh

Last day of this year and of course my last post of this year. It was a good, bitter, complicated, arduous but a rewarding journey for me. This year was, a kind of turning point in my life, with new people, new goals, new destinations, new challenges, new lessons, new bitter truth and old good friends.

Earlier, it was a very easy going life, with some very good friends and life seems perfect at every moment of life. But, when I was exposed to the dark side of this, it was heartbreaking. When you grow up, you realize not everyone who is your friend today, will be yours after almost 10 years later. It doesn’t mean, people are being inconsiderate, but their priorities are changing, and so you’ve to change them, as life have many different chapters and all those chapters, can’t have the same characters always. Sometimes, people…

Ver o post original 436 mais palavras

Other beings

30 de Dezembro de 2016, 17:19, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

After the rain

by Chris Ernest Nelson

I feel a gravity in all living beings
enticing me to become them.
The rain falls on my frisking leaves,
my branches besotted with content.
The wind touches me as it lifts the
gull’s wings to greet the rolling storm.

I become the panting spotted dog,
tugging at his master’s leash, his feet
slipping on the puddled pavement–
The wide-eyed child on her mother’s hip,
our eyes meet, but the mother looks away.
I am her own, not some stranger to fear.

Flitting and pecking the bleak concrete
for some insignificant crumb to eat,
I am the tiny brown sparrow, who’s
markings are more intricate and more
mysterious than any poem. I am not
afraid to approach the monster I appear.

I perch upon a branch near enough for
him to touch me, if he but reached out.
I dance around his feet, because there

Ver o post original 24 mais palavras

My New Year wish-Peace

30 de Dezembro de 2016, 17:18, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


The weeping song

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Just words


                             The weeping song.

I wrote years ago. “When our soldiers are fighting in faraway wars. War will find us. War will come to our doorstep.”

“Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.”
Herbert Hoover

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”
Howard Zinn

“They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.”
Ernest Hemingway

The weeping song

Once I was a wild man afraid of nothing. Today I’m a old man who  had found his world filled with men of lies and treason. A world led by berserkers who will leave only…

Ver o post original 341 mais palavras

MP de Temer ampliará o caos nas prisões | Brasil 24/7

30 de Dezembro de 2016, 14:24, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

“Definitivamente, não há nada no Brasil que não esteja se tornando pior do que era”, pontua a colunista Tereza Cruvinel; ela assinala que “é consenso que uma das coisas mais bárbaras e desumanas neste país que já foi cordial é o vergonhoso sistema prisional, criticado por organizações internacionais de defesa dos direitos humanos”; a jornalista ressalta que isto deve piorar, pois o governo Temer baixou medida provisória que transfere 30% das verbas do Fundo Penitenciário para o Fundo Nacional de Segurança Pública; “O espírito da medida é algo assim: vamos piorar um pouco mais as prisões para tentar melhorar um pouco a segurança dos que estão nas ruas. Eles têm opinião e podem votar. É o pragmatismo da crueldade do ministro da Justiça, Alexandre de Morais”, frisa

Fonte: MP de Temer ampliará o caos nas prisões | Brasil 24/7

anisio nogueira

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