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Melody Key Private Island Lodge

22 de Fevereiro de 2017, 12:34, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Ähnliches Foto

Comprising 5.24 acres of seclusion just 25 miles from Key West, Melody Key Private Island Lodge represents both an investment opportunity and a chance to get away.

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Great Grains

22 de Fevereiro de 2017, 12:29, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Farmers dutifully set up shop, week after week, hawking their fresh fare at the market no matter the conditions. A particularly stoic lot, they laugh in the face of adverse weather, forging ahead fearlessly where so many others would turn back. They find great bounty where most would see scarcity. Even during these lean, dark days of winter, life erupts from the soil in all rainbow hues, if only the rest of us would open our eyes wise enough to fully appreciate it.

While cravings for local berries are fierce at times, greater season riches are available to quell that temptation. All it takes is a bit of care, pairing bright flavors with a range of textures, to satisfy while maximizing the available fresh produce.

Leaning more heavily on hearty cooked grains than frilly tender greens, this is a salad built to endure colder, less forgiving days. Toothsome, high-protein kamut

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Cute animals frolic for your delectation and delight

22 de Fevereiro de 2017, 12:28, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Jim Webster


The advantage of the lowest common denominator is that it is a common denominator. Admittedly some denominators are more common than others but still, who am I to cast the first stone when discussing the peccadilloes of  the unsophisticated? Similarly I am not going to direct aspersions at the Philistines. (A people whose grave goods prove it’s possible to be both a hard bunch of lads who would regularly knock seven bells out of their neighbours; whilst simultaneously being a sensitive and creative people with a deft touch with ceramics and colour.)

Still if common is what is demanded, then common is what we supply, the customer is always right.

Even when they’re not.


But setting aside this moment of doubt what am I waffling about and will I ever come to the point?
It’s as simple as this. You might have noticed I write a blog. If you…

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POEMA LIVRE: Três poemas de Nil Kremer

22 de Fevereiro de 2017, 12:19, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Livre Opinião - Ideias em Debate

Seated Woman at the Window, de Nel Deurinckx (1915) Seated Woman at the Window, de Nel Deurinckx (1915)

a anedota atravessa a rua
com ar solícito
e roupa verde abacate
ostenta estrelas engomadas no peito
e coturnos engraxados
usa boina, a anedota
tem marcha, mancha de vencedor
opressor com alvará
postura de ganhador da megassena
grave anedota
mais um mortal pra frota de formigas
com síndrome de gigantismo

meu grão é doutra parte
marciano grão com crinas ao vento
costas embebidas em mel
e um carrossel de peixes tatuado

meu grão é doutra parte
tem olhos de chuva e pagã maresia
turva janela de onde se colhe maçãs

meu grão é doutra parte
cômodos descalços onde se pisa areia
decadente veia
em que o mar tem o som de violinos anunciando tempestade

meu grão é doutra parte
uma catedral em transe
insone catedral com vitrais em chamas

que eu não me cure

Ver o post original 57 mais palavras


22 de Fevereiro de 2017, 12:18, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Enchanted Forests

The mere mention of the  Ravines of Chambal would send a shiver down the spine of those acquainted with the terrain and the infamous reputation that goes along with it.

Have mentioned the CURSED  CHAMBAL RIVER, in previous posts and would request the readers to check them to familiarize themselves with the region.

During the BIRD FESTIVAL ( do read previous posts, the titles of which are a bit fuzzy) held in the CHAMBAL Riverine Sanctuary in December 2016 we did spot many abodes or burrows of Dacoits who once Ruled this Area.

Have a look at the Chambal Terrain in the picture below.It was very foggy and misty and the picture reflects that to some extent.

the-chambal-ravines The Mud Ravines of Chambal

While we were being shown the abode of an Infamous Dacoit in the Muddy Ravines, we saw the abode of a feathered friend as well, a…

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