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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Scarlett Johansson in Yellowface?

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 21:03, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Karly Morgan


A Japanese anime series called Ghost in the Shell is getting a live action movie soon, and there has been outrage over the casting choices made by the filmmakers. Scarlett Johansson, a white woman, has been selected to play the character Major. Anime is an art form that emerged from Japan, and Ghost in the Shell is a Japanese story, as well. It would seem fitting that a Japanese actress should be cast in the role of Major, but they picked a white woman.

As if that wasn’t a bad enough example of whitewashing, it’s about to get worse. The filmmakers have announced that they will be using CGI to make Johansson look more Japanese. The internet blew up in rage, releasing photoshopped images of successful Japanese actresses in the role and releasing statements comparing it to yellow face and black face. American-Asian actress Constance Wu…

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“Barefoot dreams”

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 21:01, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Barefoot dreams

A Story by Coyote Poetry


Good places and friends make distance places good dreams in old age.


     Barefoot dreams

I met the Sergeant Major nightly at the Bowling alley, dance club and bar at Seaside. He was forced retired and slowly dying. You would never know it. He maintained his Texas smile and drank the pain away with whiskey. He wouldn’t take the pain medicine given to him by the V.A. He told me. Make him numb, dumb  and tire. His kidney and liver was gone. I knew him for three years since I came to Fort Ord. California. He was a Korean war and Vietnam vet. He saw me walk-in and waved me over. He had two young woman with him. He was famous for drinking and having money to spend. Sergeant Major told them. This is a real war hero. He takes care of me…

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Seeking Comfort ~ #SundayRewind #poetry

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 20:54, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Night Owl Poetry Dorinda Duclos

Body ravaged by an unknown being
Time escapes, an unsettled fleeing

Torn and tattered in bits and pieces
No longer feeling simple releases

Fighting the fury kept deep inside
Seeking the comfort that’s long been denied

Hidden apart from an every day dream
Visions aren’t always what they seem

Clustered around with anger and strife
Wondering why this has taken my life

So many dreams have been swept away
Agony brings yet another day

Of fighting a battle with ghosts deep inside
Seeking the comfort that’s long been denied

©Dorinda Duclos All Rights Reserved
Photo via Pixabay CC0

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Temer explica sua reforma: 100% da aposentadoria só com 50 anos de trabalho | Brasil 24/7

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 19:27, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Michel Temer, que chegou ao poder sem voto, por meio de um golpe parlamentar, explicou nesta terça-feira o que pretende fazer com a aposentadoria dos brasileiros; de acordo com a sua fórmula, terá direito a 100% da aposentadoria quem contribuir para o INSS durante 50 anos – ou seja, como a expectativa média de vida do brasileiro é de 75 anos, quase ninguém conseguirá ter a aposentadoria integral; “Se você fizer 65 anos de idade e 25 anos contribuição, você já parte de 76% de aposentadoria. Portanto, se você cumprir estes dois requisitos você já tem 76% de aposentadoria. Mas se você começou com 20 anos e contribuiu durante 45 anos, você tem, na verdade, 96% de aposentadoria. Se você trabalhou 50 anos, você tem 100% de aposentadoria”, disse Temer, que se aposentou aos 55 anos, com ganho atual de mais de R$ 30 mil; vídeo

Fonte: Temer explica sua reforma: 100% da aposentadoria só com 50 anos de trabalho | Brasil 24/7

STF valida fim de sigilo de delação de Machado, delator de Temer | Brasil 24/7

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 19:24, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

A Segunda Turma do Supremo Tribunal Federal validou nesta terça-feira (21) o fim do sigilo da delação premiada do ex-diretor da Transpetro Sérgio Machado, um dos colaboradores das investigações da Operação Lava Jato; Machado diz nos depoimentos que repassou propina para mais de 20 políticos de vários partidos, sendo que ao PMDB “pouco mais de R$ 100 milhões”; e que em uma reunião na Base Aérea de Brasília, Michel Temer pediu recursos para a campanha de Gabriel Chalita

Fonte: STF valida fim de sigilo de delação de Machado, delator de Temer | Brasil 24/7

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