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Eternity Overhead

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 17:07, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA



Majesty Spanning O’er our heads,

Divinity in Splendor Sublime,

Speaking Softly in our Dreams,

Of Peace,

Of Love,

Of Endless Time.


Stunningly Beautiful Image found on Pinterest

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Real Good Food: Getting By With A Little Help From My Friends

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 17:06, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


glolunch My Bestie’s Lunch:  Jerk Chicken, black beans, rice and cabbage

Lady G ain’t the only one who knows how to throw down in the kitchen.

Today, I decided to share a pic of my girl, Gloria’s, lunch–which was actually leftovers from her Sunday Meal.

No, seriously, all of my closest friends are bigly into cooking real good food.

Don’t get me wrong, it is sometimes necessary to drop express meals via microwave.

However, my friends, who are all working mothers, believe strongly in the importance of cooking ‘from scratch’ as often as possible.

But there’s a trick to making that happen and here it is…

When you come home after a long day, be it from work or play, go straight to the kitchen and get started cooking.  It also helps if do some advanced prep work like washing and seasoning meats or cutting up vegetables.

Now, after you’ve gotten everything…

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Trump And Ryan: A Match Made In American Hell

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 17:04, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Eat Pray Vote

By Jason Taylor

Trump is equal parts con artist and street performer. A master of the big con assembling a crew to work their craft on the world stage. Their mark, the US treasury. The stuff of legends. And the best part, he was elected, with a little help from overseas friends and millions of lest than astute white middle-class voters. Millions willing to believe in a candidate who speaks like a 4th grader and could not find the truth if he had a map.

Republicans have no economic theory. All they have is something they call “common sense” which seems to be the theory that if you see a new Walmart being built in the next town down the road, well the economy must be booming. Their policies lead to rich people getting richer and poor people losing more wealth and more government aid and support for things like…

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Farmacêuticos flagram trambique de Alckmin e Dória para dar remédio quase vencido à população

21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 17:03, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Educação Política

Por meio de nota, o Sindicato dos Farmacêuticos de São Paulo (Sinfar-SP) questiona a doação de medicamentos para a rede de saúde da cidade de São Paulo, anunciada no começo do mês pelo prefeito Joã…

Fonte: Farmacêuticos flagram trambique de Alckmin e Dória para dar remédio quase vencido à população

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21 de Fevereiro de 2017, 17:02, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Não fiz todas (ainda), mas a maioria está na minha lista e algumas eu diria, fazem parte da minha rotina diária, como de número 64.

1. Fingir que Tic Tac é cápsula de remédio.
2. Apostar corrida com o locutor da tele-sena no comercial falando os números sorteados.
3. Desenhar um relógio no braço quando era criança.
4. Tampar o ralo do chão do banheiro pra fazer uma piscininha.
5. Comer Trident com papel porque “papel de Trident é comestível”
6. Fazer a proeza de enfiar o dedo no próprio olho sem querer.
7. Ficar entortando aquele lápis verde, e quebrar.
8. Apostar corrida de gotas na janela do carro quando tá chovendo.
9. Sonhar que foi pra aula pelado, ou sem uma parte da roupa.
10. Apagar tudo que estava escrevendo, quando vê que a outra pessoa está digitando alguma coisa no MSN.
11. Tentar equilibrar o interruptor de…

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anisio nogueira

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