Barb’s Top Ten Tips for Moving to a New Castle. Again. #humor #SundayBlogShare
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 14:42So yeah… I’ve been out of touch lately.
Oil of turpentine. Plus paradichlorobenzene—which, if my 40-year-old memories of Chem 105 serve me—is actually mothballs. Mothballs!
In the last few months, I’ve had antibiotics, steroids, decongestants, and a particularly scary form of Indian ear-drops prescribed in Glasgow, Brooklyn, Bangalore, London, and back in Glasgow. Hopefully not related to those turpentine/mothball ear drops, I am now completely deaf in my right ear, but the doctor says that’s temporary.
[Note: This was the same doc who told me now that the weather is “warming up” —to above freezing—in Glasgow, I should start to feel better. I told him I was just returning from 35C/100F weather in India and it hadn’t helped a bit. For perhaps the first time in the recorded history of Scottish conversations that don’t involve a dog or a pub, he changed the subject AWAY from the weather.]
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a heart of all hearts~by Nutan Sarawagi
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 14:41a heart of all hearts
in the tree you drew a heart
a heart of all hearts
the queen of heart
then she whispered in your ear
to say I love u all the way
don’t leave me
be my love in me
loving me all the way
for you are the love that stole my heart in it to lay its mark
a mark indelible it still never goes however hard I rub it it knows
you were the one made for me
now in you live in this tree
don’t ever break my heart
in it to be my part
love me forever long
as you go in life headlong
holding my hand never wrong
for I love you forever long
promise me you will be with me
just like our initials on this tree
in your heart to carve my heart
in it to never get lost
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Phnom Penh Airport – Transport to and from Sihanoukville
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 14:41Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2016. There’s plenty of public transport between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville and it all passes close to the airport. There’s no need to succumb to the Tuk Tuk mafia and take that overpriced ride into downtown first, now visitors can hop onto a local bus to connect with the bigger intercity transport down to Sihanoukville and here’s how to do it.
- Once through immigration, leave the airport and make tracks for the main road outside. Don’t stop at the information desk, they’r allied to the tuk tuk and taxi drivers and wont know anything about public transport to Phnom Penh. Bypass the Tuk Tuk and taxi mafia waiting just outside the terminal, they’ll tell all manner of lies! (based on personal experience).
- Once outside, cross the main road and look for a bus shelter – its quite new and noticeable. Its situated almost opposite the…
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A munição para atacar Lula vai baixando de calibre. Virou ridículo…
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 14:39POR FERNANDO BRITO no TIJOLAÇO
Primeiro, aquele a quem o powerpoint do procurador Deltan Dallagnol apontava como “o grande comandante” teria ganho um apartamento-pombal do Guarujá, embora não haja nada que tenha ganho.
Depois, foram as obras de um “puxado” do sítio de Atibaia, com suspeitíssimos pedalinhos e um barco de lata, tudo provado por matérias que comprovavam que a falecida Marisa letícia ia a uma padaria na localidade.
Ah, sim, teve o prédio do Instituto Lula que nem é prédio, nem é e nunca foi do Instituto.
Mas sempre há a guarda dos caixotes num depósito, para provar o favorecimento de Lula, , embora o Dr. Moro não se interesse e não autorize saber como foram guardados os caixotes de FHC, de Sarney ou ao menos os de Itamar Franco.
Até um “químico amador” que publica, ao lado do seu cibernético polidor de latarias de automóvel, publica no Youtube
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As beautiful as you~by rldubour
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 14:38As beautiful as you
If I never saw you
I would not believe it true.
That God created angels
As beautiful as you.
Our life is filled with strangers
You meet each passing day.
And you seldom ever met one
When the thought refuse to go away.
I don’t even know her
Nor will I ever see that smile again.
Her smile was not like any other
It reached deep into her soul
And tried to pull me in.