Dentro da noite
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 12:31Dentro da noite que me rodeia
negra como um poço de lado-a-lado
eu agradeço aos deuses que existem
por minha alma indomável.
Nas garras cruéis da circunstância
eu não tremo ou me desespero.
Sob os duros golpes da sorte
a minha cabeça sangra,
mas não se curva,
além deste lugar de raiva e choro
para somente o horror da sombra
e, ainda assim a ameaça do tempo
vai encontrar-me e achar-me, destemido.
Não importa se o portão é estreito,
não importa o tamanho do castigo.
Eu sou o dono do meu destino.
Eu sou o capitão da minha alma.
William Ernest Henley (citado por Nelson Mandela enquanto estava preso).
Of mice and men by John Steinbeck
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 11:32Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Power and simple mindedness are terrible companions. No matter what aspect of life they inhabit, it is rarely with festive consequences; if they work on a smaller scale, the experience only becomes more personal and therefore tragic. This one certainly can’t get gloomier. Everyone wins the sad competition – the author, with his all encompassing vision of sadness, the readers, forced to accept his vision of human existence (worse things do happen every day in some places) and most of all, the characters. They dream of a world where everything would be different, but every time something new happens, it only increases their bitterness. I was always curious about the outcomes of Lessing’s fifth child living in a different environment and this book has provided me with an answer – distance doesn’t matter.
I assume every reader knows what this book is about…
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A snowmobile kind of week in Galeville
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 10:59Ellie B did not give chase, and for that I gave thanks.
My beloved rescue mutt and I came upon an interesting sight not one block from A Bitty Better during an after-work walk this week in our Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville.
A kid and a parent were riding a snowmobile on the snow-filled triangle smack dab in the middle of three streets.
A mom and an older sibling on a four-wheeler awaited them at the other end of the patch.
They looked like they were having fun as I watched with aka Dogamous Pyle.
The kids took a turn together on the snowmobile, too.
Happy family it was.
Where is the strangest place you’ve seen snowmobile riders? What activity surprised you in your neighborhood? Snowmobile or four-wheeler for you, and why?
Everywhere I Go
19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 10:58Every time I turn I burn with a desire for you,
And everywhere I go you show yourself to me;
You are in the wind and every raindrop,
Around every bend in the road I travel;
You are in the hills, valleys and mountaintops,
And I can see you in the face of the mild child,
But I can see you in the jungle wild, too ~ you
. . .
Yes, everywhere I go I see you and I hear you
For you are near and dear and never far away;
You are in the wind and every raindrop,
Around every bend in the road I travel,
So every time I turn I burn with a desire for you
Note: This poem was inspired by the song “Everywhere I Go I See You,” by the songwriter and performer, Rich Mullins.