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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Gaspari fura bloqueio e avisa: a jararaca engordou | Brasil 24/7

19 de Fevereiro de 2017, 7:17, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Embora os principais jornais do País tenham decidido omitir de seus leitores o fato político da semana, que foi a disparada do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva na pesquisa CNT/MDA, o bloqueio foi furado pelo colunista Elio Gaspari; mais do que viva, a “jararaca engordou”, diz ele, referindo-se ao apelido que Lula se deu no dia em que foi alvo de condução coercitiva; “A jararaca engordou e dificilmente o risco Lula será liquidado pela Lava Jato. Primeiro porque não será fácil torná-lo inelegível, com uma condenação de segunda instância, antes do pleito do ano que vem. Mesmo que isso aconteça, Lula poderá tirar um poste da manga”, diz ele; “A jararaca está viva, engordou e arma o bote”

Fonte: Gaspari fura bloqueio e avisa: a jararaca engordou | Brasil 24/7

The New York Times: “Presidente Trump, Aprendiz de la Casa Blanca” | Cubadebate

18 de Fevereiro de 2017, 21:45, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

El diario The New York Times calificó de aprendiz de la Casa Blanca al presidente estadounidense, bajo el argumento de que los fiascos de sus primeras cuatro semanas de gestión parecen dirigir el pa

Fonte: The New York Times: “Presidente Trump, Aprendiz de la Casa Blanca” | Cubadebate

Tulip Close Up

18 de Fevereiro de 2017, 21:18, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Exploring the inner workings….

Fonte: Tulip Close Up

Within the woods

18 de Fevereiro de 2017, 21:17, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


thYou lost your grip on reality around the same time

my own dalliance with death disturbed the rafters

my shoulders of a man, yours of a sparrow

we danced around amber whiskey bottles

setting fire to tarmac

lifting our skirts before silver ash enveloped us

but maybe I didn’t clean my feet well enough

you began to tremble in the morning

and I found I could not move

it was as if a deer had been startled

standing quite still in dried grass

he was frozen in situ

for a time I wanted to break out

resume merriment and three penny carnival

until the feeling of falling inside

behind the bones of your face

where all emotion blanches and traces

secrets and lies

became my norm

I did not know anymore

how to stir cocktails of polite acquaintance

or make small talk trace like sleepy snails

I did not know…

Ver o post original 212 mais palavras

Scoping the Victorian Scenes

18 de Fevereiro de 2017, 21:16, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

19th Century Modern

view2One would hope from the popularity of the BBC’s Victoria television series more 19th century films would be in the works or at least close to completion to slack the public’s thirst for historical dramas, whether they be biographical or fictitious. Alas this does not seem to be the case. In fact, my list of upcoming viewing is rather far off. What is most peculiar is there seems to be quite a few debuting this year, but actual release dates are extremely difficult to come by. Ordinarily, I would only list eight shows or cinematic productions what were soon to debut; as in coming out in the next three months. I am only including four titles, which one does not have a definite opening slot. Perhaps in the next two months, the companies will have the courtesy to make an executive decision for debuting times.

tommyhTommy’s Honour

Slated to debut…

Ver o post original 475 mais palavras

anisio nogueira

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