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#BookReview: Giants by James White

24 de Março de 2024, 18:38, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

My Review I found James W. White’s novel Giants, set in the 1750s, to be a rousing adventure yarn in the best tradition of Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe. A prologue provides the historical context for the story, which is based on reports from Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan’s assistant of their encountering a race of […]

#BookReview: Giants by James White

Astrological corner. All about stars: Alphard, Hydra’s Head

24 de Março de 2024, 18:37, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Hydra is the longest constellation in the night sky. In the South it borders Libra & Centaurus. In the North borders Cancer. A curious astrological fact: its beginning or the  head is located in Piscis. It is one of the most famous constellation in ancient cultures & there are various legends & myths about it. […]

Astrological corner. All about stars: Alphard, Hydra’s Head

One Word Sunday: DIRECTION(S)

24 de Março de 2024, 18:36, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

One of my great Airbnb finds of the last couple of years was an East London flat facing Haggerston Park, where I stayed the summer of 2022. Not only was the flat homey and spacious, it had the most interesting collection of books (I looked up the flat, thinking to return the following year, but […]

One Word Sunday: DIRECTION(S)

Par de chinelos

24 de Março de 2024, 16:19, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

Tenho os pés compridos com os dedos finos. Assim como minha irmã, a maioria dos rocharada e meu pai também tinha. Além da herança genética, fiquei com poucos pertences dele. Uma jaqueta jeans (que ele não tirava do corpo), um boné dos Açores, que comprei em Ponta Delegada, e um par de chinelos de cor […]

Par de chinelos

The Grande plage of La Bernerie en Retz !!!

24 de Março de 2024, 16:18, por THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON…

And back on my local road warrior mode, this time going south to old Brittany in the Loire Atlantique dept 44 of the new Pays de la Loire region. A wonderful coastal trip of my belle France just south of me with plenty of architecture, history, and beaches, Let me tell you about the Grande […]

The Grande plage of La Bernerie en Retz !!!

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