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anisio nogueira

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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Why Should be Normal?

29 de Abril de 2017, 16:13, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


I have twin sisters. And, one of the things I haven’t told anyone is that between the twins, there is one who struggles autism. One that is always happy every day, and has taught me to be happy too. Life is good. Life is wonderful because there isn’t anything better than being yourself in front of the people, andtell them you are different.

When they were 10 months, the twins got diarrhea and vomiting. My Mom went to see a physician and got the medicine home. But, I don’t know how they got medicine poisoning. I think it’s because they were too small and young to consume such lots of medicine. One was safe, but the one needed more hospital treatment. For instance, she got back to the first time she was born after the treatment. She couldn’t stand up, but she could just lay on the mattress. She even…

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A Hairy Story!

29 de Abril de 2017, 12:36, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

A Dog's Life? (Stories of me and him)

I was a teenager in the early 1960’s and long hair was a very natural style to have at that time. Many of you may recall from an earlier Post that, after complying with corporate image expectations for around 40 years, I had decided to take advantage of retirement and once again grow it!  It was going quite well until earlier this past week!

Long hair has some inherent control issues which need to be addressed (not news to you ladies!), and I never liked the ponytail look on guys. Sweatbands do control the hair and are appropriate in some situations, but my desire (and comfort level) was with giving my hair the freedom to do whatever it wanted to do… and therein was the problem!

My hair strands are quite fine, and the aging process was certainly thinning them out on a regular basis, both of which culminated in…

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The Real Barack Obama is Finally Exposed to Everyone 

29 de Abril de 2017, 12:34, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Source: Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, by Mike Krieger

There is no reason for the Democratic Party to exist.
– Jimmy Dore

I’ve been surprised by the number of people who lived in total denial about who Barack Obama actually was throughout his entire administration, suddenly pointing out the ethical and demoralizing implications of his recent decision to accept $400,000 for a speech to Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald.

For myself and countless others, the writing was on the wall from virtually day one when he appointed Wall Street sycophants Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers to senior positions within his administration. Then came the policies, which were even more generous to Wall Street than any cynic could imagine. I posted countless pieces on Obama’s cronyism throughout his Presidency, constantly referring to him as an oligarch-coddling fraud, which his record unquestionably confirms.

It wasn’t just Wall Street either. Although his protection and empowerment of that industry…

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Feriado em casa :-(

29 de Abril de 2017, 12:34, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Retratos de Curitiba em dia de paralisação

29 de Abril de 2017, 12:33, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

AG Comunique

Nesta sexta-feira (28), trabalhadores e manifestantes saíram às ruas, em todos os estados brasileiros, para protestar contra as propostas do Governo Federal, em especial à Reforma da Previdência Social. Em Curitiba, a paralisação foi mobilizada por sindicatos de diversas categorias e movimentos sociais e contou com manifestações nas ruas do centro da cidade. O AG Comunique selecionou algumas fotos que ilustram como foi o dia de greve geral na capital do Paraná.

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