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anisio nogueira

Tela cheia


3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.


2 de Maio de 2017, 8:40, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Iain Kelly

The circular saw wound down to a standstill. He piled up the last of the cut logs.

Bill waved at him as he headed out the door, gesturing that he would see him for a drink at the bar. There were only four of them that went along for the end-of-the-week drink now, hardly the famed gatherings of the past.

He took the letter from his pocket again. Three weeks from today and he would be out of a job. They blamed a lack of demand for their product. Moving the company to a more flexible workforce. Adapting to the global economy.

There was nowhere else to find work. All the other local sawmills had closed down, unable to compete when the big national had taken over this one.

Three kids to support, an ex-wife who wouldn’t cut him any slack.

He’d checked the insurance policy. It even gave him a…

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Humor de Uruguay al mundo (I)

2 de Maio de 2017, 8:38, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

El blog de Fabio

El humor uruguayo tuvo épocas de oro. A tal punto que cruzó el charco y también se impuso en Argentina. Tuve el enorme gusto de nutrir mis sentidos y mi memoria con los chistes más finos y las risas más sanas.

¿Quieren saber cómo fue todo? Facundo Ponce de León, viejo vecino del barrio Punta Carretas, nos lo cuenta en este documental de tres capítulos. También pueden leer algo en Búsqueda, si están apurados. Pero no dejen de ver el video, se van a emocionar con un montón de caras y voces conocidas. De las dos orillas del Plata.

Próximo lunes: humor de exportación.

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the most difficult apprentice

2 de Maio de 2017, 8:36, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Love it Now

there are no rules for us
attempting to keep control
only makes it worse
I walk in the mist of your dawn
trying to feel the ground under my feet
one misstep
and you banish me
to spend some time in your shadow
to watch, to think and to fight
for your addictive approval
oh Life
I’m your most difficult apprentice
with the sweat of my brow
and the rucksack full of mistakes
(not only mine)
I walk
infinitely searching for a better way
your beauty and mercy are irresistible
but your cruelty can kill
my mind knows the pain
my heart knows the love
please, give me any key
I want to become a master

Copyright ©2017 Monika Braun and Love it Now. All Rights Reserved.

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Seeing With a Difference……………

2 de Maio de 2017, 8:35, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Boundless Blessings by Kamal


Simple Workers who teach us the meaning of Life, seeing with a difference and they help us to relearn what we have forgotten in our Journey called Life:

-An ELECTRICIAN, restores the current between people, who do not speak to each other anymore. His bulb of love penetrates into the essence of all beings bringing joy and happiness wherever his light takes him.

-An OPTICIAN, changes the outlook of the people. He releases the fragrance of inner seeing with new spectacles giving way to the old, for the guidance and benefit of others.

-An ARTIST, draws a smile on everyone’s face. He sketches lines with his superb flair, dips the brush with lots of patience and colors it with love and respect to produce a masterpiece.

-A CONSTRUCTION WORKER, to build a bridge between neighbors. He is there to cement hatred between people by lending a…

Ver o post original 159 mais palavras


2 de Maio de 2017, 8:35, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

anisio nogueira

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