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anisio nogueira

Tela cheia


3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

That’s just your opinion, man

2 de Maio de 2017, 8:34, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Calling Through The Fog

trump system

The planets, I learned when I was 11, “dance and weave behind the sun”.

I still remember that phrase because it made an enormous impression on me. It was magical. Musical. Mythical. And, of course, made up. But I didn’t know that until years later.

In that moment I pictured an immense and fiery Pied Piper playing a thermonuclear recorder, leading a string of little planets on a merry jig through the cosmos. It’s such a fantastic image that it remains with me today, lingering as a small doubt about the veracity of the science I learned later. When I see Mercury or Mars on a dark midnight, a pagan, feral part of me wonders if the other planets are lined up behind them, ready to start the night’s wild rumpus.

This weekend a less dramatic but much more real procession took place in cities around the world. The “March…

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Are You Writing Effective Sentences?

2 de Maio de 2017, 8:30, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

All About Writing and more

Are you writing effective sentences? Pick up some tips, techniques, and practices to boost your sentence-writing skills.

Source: Are You Writing Effective Sentences?

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#tuesdayuseitinasentence ~ Blast

2 de Maio de 2017, 8:27, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Word Adventures

The party was a blast until the sound of a blast scattered the revellers away in a panic.

Here are the prompt rules:

Make a sentence with the word of the week. Leave it as just a sentence or write a post to go with it.

Try to do it on Tuesday.

Include the hashtag #tuesdayuseitinasentence.

Post it on Twitter and/or Facebook (if you have a public site) and/or Pinterest and/or WordPress and/or any other social media site you belong to.

Participate as many times as you’d like. You can write a different sentence for each platform, but please keep it to one sentence per post.

I will be trolling Twitter for the hashtag, so watch my Twitter feed in the sidebar for retweets. Make sure to connect on Twitter with other participants!

If you post your sentence here on WordPress or on any other site where there’s…

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FERMENTO PRA MASSA – Goiânia na Greve Geral (Documentário, Curta-Metragem, 2017, 21 min)

1 de Maio de 2017, 21:18, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Um documentário curta-metragem de Eduardo Carli de Moraes
Uma produção independente A Casa de Vidro

“Hoje eu vou comer pão murcho, o padeiro não foi trabalhar / A cidade tá toda travada, é greve de busão, tô de papo pro ar!” É o que canta Criolo em “Fermento Pra Massa”, canção do álbum “Convoque Seu Buda”, convocada para inaugurar e batizar este doc em clima de samba-resistente. “Eu que odeio tumulto não acho insulto manifestação / Pra chegar um pão quentinho com todo o respeito a todo cidadão!”

Era um dia histórico na Nova República: a maior Greve Geral desta geração, com adesão de cerca de 35 milhões de pessoas em todo o país, coincidia com os 100 anos da pioneira, inaugural Greve Geral de 1917. A multidão em Goiânia, estimada pelos jornais Daqui em cerca de 30 mil pessoas –…

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a verdade…

1 de Maio de 2017, 19:15, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


anisio nogueira

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