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anisio nogueira

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1 de Maio de 2017, 11:14, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Brasil de Longe

Myrthes Suplicy Vieira (*)

Acho que fui contaminada com o vírus dessa estranha doença que é ver em tudo um viés ideológico condenável e que tem por perversa consequência o hábito de relativizar ou amenizar o próprio posicionamento frente às grandes questões nacionais. Em outras palavras, uma doença cujo principal sintoma é o de procurar se posicionar como nem contra nem a favor, muito pelo contrário. De repetir que a solução de todos os problemas está no combate à miopia ‒ ou cegueira ‒ de que “eles” são acometidos e não naquilo que “nós” podemos fazer.

Algumas situações recentes me fizeram ver que meu organismo psíquico já havia sido infectado. Se, por exemplo, o foco das ações do Executivo e do Legislativo mostra ser estritamente econômico, ou seja, a defesa de reformas na pretensa busca do ajuste fiscal, meu cérebro começa imediatamente a indagar se não seria mais urgente equacionar…

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Prednisone Power!

1 de Maio de 2017, 11:10, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

A Dog's Life? (Stories of me and him)

The text below is copied from my book about Ray “Who Said I was up for Adoption?”

Context: We had received the results of his first medical examination, and he had tested positive for heart-worm. At this part of the book, the long process of treating the heart-worm was just starting.


Later that month Ray had his first deep muscle injection, after he had been sedated, and watching that rather large needle being pushed through the muscle in his lower back was quite disturbing. I could well imagine that he was going to be rather sore later, but I was not prepared for the outcome. When we got him home, he went to his crate to settle down but clearly couldn’t. He got himself up with obvious difficulty and, making it clear that he was in pain, moved around to settle down again but, again, clearly he was not…

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1 de Maio de 2017, 11:09, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Salt of Portugal

Composit Magano

When lunch time comes, some Lisbon residents dream about being magically transported to the plains of Alentejo. “O Magano,” a restaurant in the Campo de Ourique neighborhood, is a place where these dreams come true. Open for more than a decade, it brings to the capital untranslatable Alentejo delights such as “pézinhos de coentrada” and “carne de alguidar.”

We told our waiter that we wanted to try a little of everything. “I can bring you the menu or you can leave it up to me,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. We agreed to put him in charge and soon the table was covered with small plates of codfish with chickpeas, grilled peppers, favas with chouriço, miniature pies, green bean tempura, and marinated partridge with razor-thin fried potatoes.

“This was a wonderful lunch,” we said, complimenting our waiter on his choices “It’s not a problem if you want to skip it,” he said “but I had something…

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1 de Maio de 2017, 7:17, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Octavpelin's Weblog

În tradiția noastră populară, luna mai indică, prin denumirile sale, timpul florilor (Florar, Florariu) și exuberanța vegetației (Frunzar). În acest an, este marcată de două sărbători creștine importante Sfinții Mari Împărați Constantin și mama sa, Elena (21 mai) și Înălțarea Domnului (25 mai).

Luna mai este a cincea lună a anului în Calendarul gregorian și are 31 de zile. Ziua are 14 ore iar noaptea are 10 ore.

Denumirea lunii derivă din latinescul ”maius”. Se presupune că s-ar putea trage și din ”maiores”, care înseamnă bătrâni menționează site-ul, iar o altă interpretare ar fi aceea că se referă la zeița ”Maia Maiesta”, pe care romanii o considerau zeița primăverii și căreia preoții lui Vulcan, zeul focului, îi ofereau sacrificii în prima zi din luna mai.

În Calendarul roman luna mai era a treia lună a anului. Romanii considerau luna mai neprielnică pentru căsătorii.

Soarele — Luna
Soarele: la…

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1 de Maio de 2017, 6:54, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

lucinda E Clarke

Once upon a time many moons ago I scribbled all sorts of things for a living. I wrote for radio and television, magazines, my newspaper column, brochures, leaflets, mayoral speeches, company reports, promotions, advertisements etc. etc. etc. you get the picture?

st bernardOne learned to be flexible earning enough to feed, house and clothe two children, a husband, a St Bernard and the family who lived out the back and took care of the house and garden.

Of course I read books too. I would rush to the local library at least once a week and emerge balancing a tower of books which I devoured at every spare moment – in the usual places – the bathroom, in bed, waiting for a parking place, during meal times. Then I returned the books and collected the next small truckload and so it went on.

umhlanga library

Did I review them?

Did I what? What…

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anisio nogueira

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