“In your eyes”
6 de Julho de 2017, 6:45In your eyes.
I’m everything,
the sun and the moon.
The warm breeze that warmth the night.
I feel I could do anything when you bless me with your smile
and the tenderness of your soft and tenders looks.
For when your laughing eyes shine for me.
They make me want to dream and swim in your love.
My life was a circle of confusion.
Filled with many mistakes and errors.
Now I know joy and peace.
You make me feel complete and wanted.
Many roads of discontentment led me to you
and true love.
I understand life is fair.
We must know confusion to learn what is true and beautiful.
In your eyes. I feel safe and loved.
I know I found the softness of a kind woman who taught me.
You cannot walk alone.
Classic Movie Of The Week: Slacker (1991)
6 de Julho de 2017, 6:36Starring: Richard Linklater, Rudy Basquez, Jean Caffeine, Jan Hockey
Director: Richard Linklater
Writer/Director Richard Linklaters second film, it depicts one day in Austin, Texas, following a bunch of 90’s space cadets around town as they spout diatribes about JFK assassinations, UFO sightings, government conspiracies, and discuss a jar that may contain Madonna’s pap smear.
You might know Linklater for his later work on the Before Sunrise trilogy with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke or for Boyhood. Here he is finding his feet and certainly his tone, though it’s a very different film than those.
What I love about it is that it sums up the 90’s so well, though this wasn’t his intent (it couldn’t have been as it was released in 91, at the start of the decade). All the paranoia about government conspiracies and aliens are here, which would come to fruition in series like the…
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Onde o PSDB se elege, o PCC governa
5 de Julho de 2017, 11:27PRF apreende 62 quilos de pasta de cocaína na Régis Bittencourt
O ESTADO DE S. PAULO + 28 Julho 2015 | 18h 11
Droga, que era transportada em um fundo falso no porta-malas de um carro, é avaliada em R$ 12,5 milhões
A Polícia Rodoviária Federal apreendeu mais de 62 quilos de pasta base de cocaína, na altura do quilômetro 439 da Rodovia Régis Bittencourt, que liga São Paulo ao Paraná, nesta terça-feira, 28. Segundo a PRF, a droga está avaliada em aproximadamente R$ 12,5 milhões. A cocaína era transportada em um fundo falso no porta-malas de um carro. Esta foi a maior apreensão de cocaína feita no ano na Régis Bittencourt.
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