Niño víctima de ‘bullying’ toca puertas en busca de amigos y le recaudan casi 40.000 dólares
14 de Julho de 2023, 8:21La colecta iniciada por los vecinos de Shayden Walker logró sorpresivamente superar su objetivo inicial de 7.000 dólares en solo dos días.
Niño víctima de ‘bullying’ toca puertas en busca de amigos y le recaudan casi 40.000 dólares
India launches a lander and rover to explore the moon’s south pole
14 de Julho de 2023, 8:21An Indian spacecraft is blazing its way to the far side of the moon in a follow-up mission to a failed effort nearly four years ago to land a rover softly on the lunar surface
India launches a lander and rover to explore the moon’s south pole
نصيحة علمية للحفاظ على صحة دماغك: افحص نظرك
14 de Julho de 2023, 8:20أظهرت دراسة جديدة أن الأشخاص الذين يعانون من إعاقات بصرية غير معالَجة كانوا أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالخرف، وفقاً لشبكة «سي إن إن».
نصيحة علمية للحفاظ على صحة دماغك: افحص نظرك
Corporate bankruptcies soar in Japan
14 de Julho de 2023, 8:20Analysts attribute the trend to the after-effects of the pandemic The number of corporate bankruptcies in Japan soared to a five-year high in the first six months of 2023, Nikkei news outlet reported this week, citing a survey by credit research company Tokyo Shoko Research. According to the report, a total of 4,042 companies filed…
Corporate bankruptcies soar in Japan
Caiazzo. ‘Violoncello VIrtuoso Barocco a Napoli e Roma’ sabato nella frazione S.S.Giovanni e Paolo
14 de Julho de 2023, 8:18Ancora una volta dimostra il suo impegno sociale, oltre che liturgico, don Massimiliano Iadarola, neo parroco di SS. Giovanni e Caiazzo. ‘Violoncello VIrtuoso Barocco a Napoli e Roma’ sabato nella frazione S.S.Giovanni e Paolo
Caiazzo. ‘Violoncello VIrtuoso Barocco a Napoli e Roma’ sabato nella frazione S.S.Giovanni e Paolo