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Chiefs of Staff Trumped by Tweet!

28 de Julho de 2017, 12:40, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Chronicles of an Orange-Haired Woman!

What the f***?

How utterly shallow can you get?!

Tweeting is bad enough in the hands of vapid and vain celebrities; but, as a tool with which to deliver something as egregious as a ban on transgender troops in the Armed Forces, it segues into the realm of Lala Land combined with

How utterly bloody contemptible. The ban itself strikes me as a nasty and nonsensical piece of utter twattery thought up by an individual so shallow that a puddle looks deep in comparison. The slight implied by tweeting this insult is so tooth-gnashingly puerile that words almost fail me.

What the hell is this man’s objection to transgender troops anyway? Does one only count as brave and stalwart and accurate enough to blow the enemy’s head off if one sticks to the gender one was born into? Are bullets and bombs, napalm and IEDs so effing discriminating…

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Musical Interlude: 5 On Friday

28 de Julho de 2017, 12:29, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Random Ramblings; Myriad Musings

July is nearly over; August peeps ‘round the bend. This day in history marked one of the first marches protesting the lynching and murders of African-Americans in Texas, Mississippi, Missouri, and other southern states. The “Silent Parade of 1917” was held in New York City. It’s a shame that white teachers in public schools don’t feel the need to teach this part of history to their students! This is why I put informative and educational posts here on my humble little blog from time to time – they are sorely needed. 100 years later, and things are still more or less the same. We’ve come a long way, and have much farther to go, but some are heavily invested in turning the clock back.

The weekend approaches, so how about some music? I will be gaming like a maniac as well, so tune in to my Twitch channel and watch…

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Vídeo – como reaproveitar a caixa de natal

28 de Julho de 2017, 12:22, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Peering Through

28 de Julho de 2017, 12:14, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Jennifer Nichole Wells


A selection of images from the Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park in Illinois. These images are a combination of the onsite sculpture and my addition of miniatures – such as a dollhouse 1:12 scale electric chandelier and an O scale astronaut.

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¿CRISIS? Opositores son terroristas de día y rumberos de noche

28 de Julho de 2017, 12:14, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Opositores de día son guarimberos y de noche rumberos, mientras denuncian una supuesta crisis de la que ellos no saben nada

La oposición venezolanano deja de sorprender con susincongruencias, los guarimberos de Chacao de día se ponen la máscara antigás y salen a destruir elmunicipioChacaoagenerar zozobraentre sus vecinos,manifestando de manera violenta; supuestamente por la crisis económica que vive el país, por falta decomida. Sin embargo,de noche se ponen la pinta para ir a rumbear a las mejores discotecas del municipio guarimbero de Chacao, por supuesto no puede faltar el alcohol y quien sabe que otras cosas.
La desfachatez de los hijos de papi y mami, y de algunos adultos; no tiene límites. Si supuestamente hay hambre, falta de medicamentos, no hay dinero ¿Con qué pagan los tragos y la rumbita? La doble moral se los consume, además de…

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