Is Your Life Over? You Might Be Experiencing a Transformation #inspiration #affirmations
27 de Agosto de 2016, 20:51POTL: All Things Books, Reading and Publishing
Are you struggling with life? Does it seem like your world is over?
There is an old proverb that states…
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
We all have experienced something similar.
A job loss
A death
Financial trouble
A break-up
The world is ending and we don’t know where to turn.
Think of the caterpillar. He’s going along his business, making his way and then suddenly feels sick.
I’ll just curl up and rest, he thinks to himself.
He weaves a cocoon and slowly dies. Times passes and he suddenly breaks free. He feels lighter and can fly. He’s a beautiful butterfly.
Listen, life’s struggles can be hard. It can feel as though you are dying a slow death. You’re transforming into a beautiful butterfly. This pain is all part of the process.
Hold on tight, for soon you will…
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