Dez livros que você deve ler antes de morrer
25 de Agosto de 2016, 19:40Para os amantes da literatura (ou não), recomendo esses dez grandes livros da nossa literatura brasileira, essenciais na biblioteca de todo bom leitor, veja quantos leu dessa lista, se tiraria ou acrescentaria algum deles:
- “Dom Casmurro”, de Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis (1839-1908) foi o melhor escritor que o Brasil teve de todos os tempos. Recomendo a leitura de toda a sua obra, mas escolhi “Dom Casmurro” pela intriga, pela dúvida e mistério que Machado cria em torno dos personagens Capitu e Bentinho. Será que a esposa traiu o marido? Uma obra imperdível!
- “Grande sertão: veredas”, de João Guimarães Rosa.
É uma saga sertaneja que impressiona pela inovação e riqueza da linguagem. Guimarães Rosa (1908- 1967) foi um escritor único, inimitável, muito original, que vai te deixar impressionado ou impressionada. É uma obra muito, muito complexa, que irá te fazer pensar em muitas…
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“Oh, didn’t you know? I’m brown too!”: In upcoming mayoral election in 80% black Salvador, Bahia, two white candidates declare themselves ‘brown’
25 de Agosto de 2016, 19:35Note from BW of Brazil: So typical. Brazil, the place where one can switch their racial identity depending on perceived advantages and agendas. For those of our readers who live in Brazil or have read this blog’s many articles that delve into the perplexing issue of race in this country, today’s feature won’t come as a surprise. In Brazil, in racial terms, a person can see themselves as negro (black), but be seen as branco (white) by their parents, moreno (light brown/mixed) by friends and colleagues and a pardo (brown/mixed) by police. If we remember the numerous cases of racial fraud on the part of white Brazilians who suddenly want to “pass” as black to take advantage of affirmative action policies (see here, here and here) or a clearly white women who suddenly become a mulata in a contest that traditionally reserved for black women, today’s…
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25 de Agosto de 2016, 19:33“We are all stories, in the end.”
Steven Moffat
I was talking to a friend last week and our conversation went deep. She was telling me some things about her past, and when she got to a certain part of her story her voice changed. It tightened. She stopped making eye contact. Her shoulders hunched. She got physically smaller.
I looked at her, this funny, smart, strong woman who I’ve grown to love and respect, folding in on herself. Another origami girl. I got pissed
I held my hand up and said, “Wait. Stop.” I leaned in and asked quietly, “Who is telling your story right now?”
She looked at me, confused.
I believe babies are born whole, good, and loved. So that’s our story when we come into the world- Whole. Good. Loved. That’s our baseline. The most basic of plot points.
Then our stories get entrusted to the…
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San Sebastian: The European Capital of culture and food
25 de Agosto de 2016, 19:30A Hip Guide to Spain-San Sebastian by HipTraveler
Fonte: San Sebastian: The European Capital of culture and food