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anisio nogueira

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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.


3 de Setembro de 2016, 14:49, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


When all I needed was a friend

But I was too scared to ask for one,

I built up walls

To protect me from this cold, cold world.

But you came along and broke these walls,

Piece by piece.

You became a source of warmth

A protection from the cold reality that was life.

And then you left,

Without bothering to build the walls back.

Didn’t you think that I’ll be left shivering

From all this cold?

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Solemnidad académica.

3 de Setembro de 2016, 14:47, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Los dramas de la inclusa




Solemnidad académica.

Brillantísimo estaba el Paraninfo de la Universidad.

Servía de padrino al nuevo doctor, D. José, una eminencia científica, un hombre respetadísimo en el mundo de la intelectualidad, y como él había hecho las invitaciones, puede decirse que los Claustros de todas las facultades acudieron en pleno, como también los doctores de la real de Medicina y de otras sociedades sabias.

Y como eran muchas y valiosas las relaciones del ilustre doctor con la alta sociedad madrileña, la concurrencia que llenaba el salón era tan numerosa como distinguida.

El bello sexo estaba representado por elegantísimas y aristocráticas damas, que con su deslumbradora hermosura daban al conjunto el encanto de la belleza.

El elemento estudiantil estaba representado por todos los que pudieron penetrar en el salón y por los grupos que se apiñaban en el vestíbulo de entrada, de la puerta principal y…

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Sobre um governo popular

3 de Setembro de 2016, 14:46, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Educação Política

Por Thuanny Cappellari Há pessoas que reclamam de governo popular, mas se beneficiaram com projetos por eles criados. Como por exemplo, REUNI (reestruturação das Universidades Federais), com o aume…

Fonte: Sobre um governo popular

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Welcome Dream Big Partner: Ann Cavitt Fisher!

3 de Setembro de 2016, 14:43, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


I am pleased to welcome the latest blogger to become a Dream Big Partner: Ann Cavitt Fisher!!

Fisher 200 px Logo

Here is an excerpt from the Ann Cavitt Fisher About page:

Writer, traveler, and cancer fighter. Get out there and live life!

I am a sixth generation Texan, named for a multi-great grandmother who arrived in Texas in 1836 weeks before the battle at the Alamo. I grew up in Mississippi and New Orleans, have lived in both Seattle and Manhattan, and finally moved back to Texas in 1990’s.

I have worked in higher education for over twenty years in many capacities. I have a darling teenage daughter who is less than two years from college. I have been divorced and am now widowed. Finally, I am a recent colon cancer survivor.

Currently, my CT scans are stable, which is music to any cancer patient’s ears. Woohoo! It means I’ve had an amazing summer…

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I Refuse to Be Embarrassed When Talking about Sexual Things

3 de Setembro de 2016, 14:42, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Just Call me Elm or Something

Ooh, yes, I DID just write that title. And why? Because why the fuck not?

I’ve learnt everything about sex, my body in TERMS of it and about other people from the Internet. Sex education in my school was terrible; the last teacher I had for PSE was the only one that told us useful things. The rest of the teachers said, “Don’t get an STI, this is how you put a condom on, bye!” Nothing about how to deal with feelings, physical intimacy, or that pressure to do things does exist.

So, I decided to find out about it by myself, before the last teacher came along and told us that we shouldn’t have to do anything we didn’t want to do, and that saying no was okay. I used youtube, older people I knew, but I could never ever ask my parents for fear of embarrassment.

Even now…

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anisio nogueira

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