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Forest Therapy: A Walk In The Wood Is The Perfect Prescription

30 de Setembro de 2017, 13:50, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Bright, shiny objects!

This modern take on an ancient practice got its start in Japan in 1982, when the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries began promoting walks in the woods as a tonic for mind and body. About a decade ago, they also began funding research into the health effects of “forest therapy,” and the practice has been catching on all over Asia, as well as North America and Europe. Source: Forest Therapy: A Walk In The Wood Is The Perfect Prescription

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30 de Setembro de 2017, 9:10, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Guten Morgen und einen wunderschönen Tag…

30 de Setembro de 2017, 8:49, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Gedichte, Zitate in Einklang mit Bilder......

Good Morning and beautiful day…

Zeilen zum Nachdenken:

Nimm dir Zeit…

Nimm dir Zeit, um nachzudenken;
es ist die Quelle der Kraft.
Nimm dir Zeit, um zu spielen;
es ist das Geheimnis der Jugend.
Nimm dir Zeit zum Träumen;
es ist der Weg zu den Sternen.
Nimm dir Zeit, um zu lieben;
es ist die wahre Lebensfreude.
Nimm dir Zeit, um froh zu sein;
es ist die Musik der Seele.”

Auszüge aus einem irischen Gedicht

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30 de Setembro de 2017, 8:48, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Cantiere poesia

Perchè, ansietà
quando tu appari
dopo lunghe cupe
frenesie d’attesa?
Solo gioia, dovrebbe
portare il tuo arrivo
al nostro incontrare
corpo con corpo
acqua con acqua
oltre i confini del tempo,
a correre insieme
tra nuove sponde
giorni che potrebbero
per noi essere i più felici
e in abbraccio placare
il nostro affanno di carne
nel tuo corpo destino

Marcello Plavier

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Flashback Friday – baby bear bites

30 de Setembro de 2017, 8:48, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Christopher Martin Photography

Forgive the double alliterations in the title!  I recently came across one of these pictures in my image library.  That recalled the encounter with this grizzly bear and her three cubs in 2012.  It was wet morning in June and my friend Jeff and I were out photographing near the Vermilion Lakes.  We found the bears under the trees.  While mom was sleeping, these two year olds were rough housing with abandon.

Though the bared teeth look fierce no true biting happened.  Even the play lost their interest before long and they alternated sprawling across mom and nursing.  We left then and it seemed they were close to a nap themselves – although they may have powered up again instead.

When they separated, I was able to grab a couple of individual shots.  Truly beautiful animals.  Five years on, I wonder how they have made out.  Their mother, 64, was well…

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