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Saturday Historical Review: “Conspiracy of Lies” by Kathryn Gauci

30 de Setembro de 2017, 8:29, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Conspiracy of Lies

Just when you thought everything had been written about WW2 already, you read a book like this, so inspired and well thought-through.

In 2001 a letter causes Claire Bradshaw to suffer a heart attack. Recently divorced daughter Claire decides not to let sleeping dogs lie and starts investigating Claire’s past.
Mother and daughter eventually go on holiday to France together where Claire tells her story within the French resistance from 1939 onwards: Love, torn loyalties, resistance work, lies, cover lies, betrayal and personal sacrifices.
Gauci does a marvellous job at depicting the personal within the context of the wider picture, the immense risks taken by individuals for the greater good, the complexity of the resistance operations and the dangers of that particular area of WW2 (Brittany).
Plenty of fascinating historical facts and family dramas are woven into this complex story; a very clever plot that comes to…

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Tiny House|خانه کوچک

30 de Setembro de 2017, 6:48, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

A Voice from Iran

Once upon a time, there was a poor man living in a tiny house with his wife and five children. The house was so small that it only had one room which they used as their kitchen, living room and bedroom.


In his very small yard he had a cow, a goat and a few chickens. Their living space was putting them under pressure; it was very hard to sleep at night with all seven of them in one room, making them complain each and every night.

One day he decided to go to their village’s wise man and asks him what to do.


The wise man listened to his situation and told him: “Take the chickens to your room tonight to sleep with all of you.” The poor man said: “But we already don’t have enough space for ourselves.”

The wise man said: “If you want your problem to…

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30 de Setembro de 2017, 6:47, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

like mercury colliding...

composing-168696_1280 Photo by fmatte at

So engrossed was I in memorabilia that I didn’t notice the last call for visitors to leave. Didn’t notice, I say, until the lights went out and I realized was locked inside Poe’s Museum.

Suddenly I heard a rap-tap-tap from the window. There, a raven who said…


Silly! Raven’s don’t talk!


52 Words Exactly for Sacha Black’s 52 Week’s in 52 Words Writespiration Challenge. This week’s prompt: Write about the night you accidentally spent in a museum.


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Europe : Une partie de l’épargne bientôt saisie en banque

30 de Setembro de 2017, 6:46, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA



Les politiciens votent des lois stipulant que l’épargnant sera désormais saisi d’une partie de son patrimoine en banque afin de renflouer les institutions financières. L’opinion de Didier Maurin, le directeur de Katleya Gestion.

De nombreux Etats sont aujourd’hui tellement endettés qu’ils ne sont même plus en mesure d’assurer le remboursement des intérêts de leurs dettes. La conséquence ubuesque de cette situation en est l’apparition de taux d’intérêt négatifs, qui impliquent qu’en leur prêtant de l’argent, les banques centrales leur versent des intérêts dans le même temps ! Une nouveauté historique en somme !

Imaginez ! Votre banque vous prête 100 000 euros à –0,5%. Cela signifie que vous toucherez 500 euros d’intérêts par an pour avoir eu la gentillesse de contracter ce prêt. Ne riez pas ! C’est exactement ce qui arrive à de nombreux Etats surendettés dans le monde, car leur banquier, les banques centrales, leur octroie des…

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Brad Mehldau. Blues and Ballads. New York 2016.

30 de Setembro de 2017, 6:45, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Brad Mehldau. Blues and Ballads. New York 2016.

Brad Mehldau Trio
•Brad Mehldau – piano
•Larry Grenadier – bass
•Jeff Ballard – drums

I don’t make a distinction between genres – I just write and play what I’m feeling. Music in itself doesn’t have genres – it’s just 12 different tones, and how you arrange them in a given point in time.” Dans les pommes avec Brad Mehldau, Bruno Pfeiffer, Liberation.

An influential figure in the jazz world since the late ’90s, Mehldau has subtly transformed not only the way modern jazz is played, but also the repertoire from which musicians draw inspiration. He was one of the first jazz artists to rework modern alt-rock songs by the likes of Radiohead and Nirvana, imbuing them with a delicacy and harmonic nuance that both celebrated the original recordings and recontextualized them within the jazz canon.

Blues and Ballads is a piano…

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