Backyard Buddies ~ #MyPhotography
11 de Junho de 2017, 9:51Night Owl Poetry - Dorinda Duclos
Our backyard Woodpecker. He visits daily and always greets me on the patio
©Dorinda Duclos All Rights Reserved
The Impeach-Trump Conspiracy
11 de Junho de 2017, 9:36Source: Patrick Buchanan via,
Pressed by Megyn Kelly on his ties to President Trump, an exasperated Vladimir Putin blurted out, “We had no relationship at all. … I never met him. … Have you all lost your senses over there?”
Yes, Vlad, we have.
Consider the questions that have convulsed this city since the Trump triumph, and raised talk of impeachment.
Did Trump collude with Russians to hack the DNC emails and move the goods to WikiLeaks, thus revealing the state secret that DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was putting the screws to poor Bernie Sanders?
If not Trump himself, did campaign aides collude with the KGB?
Now, given that our NSA and CIA seemingly intercept everything Russians say to Americans, why is our fabled FBI, having investigated for a year, unable to give us a definitive yes or no?
The snail’s pace of the FBI investigation explains Trump’s…
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KINDNESS CHALLENGE WK 5…………… End your day with Kindness!
11 de Junho de 2017, 9:07It’s Sunday, which for some can be a total relaxation day and for others it can be a crazy, I have to get everything done today before my even crazier week appears again ! Which ever it maybe I hope you have enjoyed it and managed to accomplish everything you hoped for, now this week kindness challenge is all about ending your day with kindness, now most of us say thank you and show gratitude at the end of each day for the good day we have had and all the components of that day, but do we get the opportunity or desire to end our day with kindness.
I am going to be very lucky today and fulfill that desire, I have been invited to have dinner with my Mother, and the invite also includes my dog Salsa, this is so she will not be left alone after losing…
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Order In Chaos
11 de Junho de 2017, 9:05“Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered.”
― José Saramago, The Double
In a world full of chaos I am drawn to order and straight lines. They bring me a sense of peace and happiness. Perhaps it is because with life around me going every which way; the hustle and bustle of people is enough at times to make me withdraw into my anxiety. I look for things that are neat, organized and precise. To capture these things in a photo is amazing and gives me great pleasure. ~Mac
Daily Post Photo Challenge: Order
by Mac©
by Mac©
Market Commons, Myrtle Beach, SC
Omgiven av psykopater – Surrounded by psychopaths
11 de Junho de 2017, 9:04
Thomas Erikson har skrivit en utmärkt faktabok Omgiven av psykopater, som tydligt förklarar fenomenet psykopater och personer med psykopatiska drag. Har du den hårda vägen lärt dig vad den persontypen kan göra mot dig och andra kommer du nicka igenkännande genom hela boken och faktiskt finna bekräftelse för att det inte är du som är galen utan den som försöker få dig att tro att du har fel och hen har rätt.
Om fler av oss lär att känna igen den persontypen skulle färre personer med detta drag inte lyckas ställa till med så stor skada som de faktiskt gör. Den här boken kan lära dig något om att försöka känna igen de klassiska varningstecknen. Men jag skulle nog säga att du inte kommer lära dig att känna igen typen förrän du själv blir drabbad av en sådan på ett eller annat sätt.
Det är som att försöka slåss…
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