Humanity Is Our Business (1/7): The Overall Vision
9 de Junho de 2017, 5:14From time to time it comes to seem appropriate to republish a much earlier sequence from 2009 on the Bahá’í approach to healing our wounded world. Recent events across many countries again makes it seem timely to revisit this sequence. The posts will appear over the next two weeks.
Who Do You Think You Are?
We were half way through a new series of the popular BBC show, Who Do You Think You Are, which sees celebrities exploring the secrets of their family trees, reacting to their unpredictable discoveries with a combination of tears and elation. It was fascinating viewing and its popularity tells us a lot about where we look when we are seeking clues to our identity.
Our search could take another direction altogether. Instead of looking to the past we could look towards the future. Instead of seeing ourselves shaped by ancestral experiences and our genetic heritage, and behaving accordingly…
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Hurting – Fiction in Five Sentences
9 de Junho de 2017, 5:13a cooking pot and twisted tales
Tears ran down the bridge of Jane’s little nose and fell on Captain.
Huddled near her best friend Captain she tried to drown out their screaming voices.
She never liked it when they fought and they seemed to do it more and more.
Dad would storm out and disappear for days and mum would go round the bend all teary and mad.
She wished she was back at her gran’s house.
© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha
trench man #5: the nature of the job
9 de Junho de 2017, 5:13his job
is the creation
of absence
each shovel filled
is a movement
negative space
the measure
of his work
is the quality
of removal
straight walls
level floor
just so
just so
all of it filled
through his diligence
with nothing
© Frank Prem, 2017
June 2017 Poem #14: tba
Education Begins at Home
9 de Junho de 2017, 5:12Two mothers stood at the cashier line
And chattered on just to pass the time.
They each thought the other a paradigm,
With children ages three, six and nine.
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DIA DOS NAMORADOS – Amêndoas e limão siciliano sofisticam o bolo de fubá
9 de Junho de 2017, 5:11Dia dos Namorados é logo na segunda-feira e não deu tempo para comprar presente… Mas você merece comemorar a data com a cara-metade com amor, carinho e um belo doce feito pelas suas mãos.
Bolo de fubá, amêndoas e limão siciliano: perfumado, delicioso, sabor intenso e uma cor incrível
O bolo de amêndoas, fubá e limão siciliano pode ser uma boa escolha: além de delicioso, é chic, perfumado e fácil de fazer. Além de não tombar a sua carteira.
Dá para aproveitar o finde para prepará-lo: o dia 12 de junho pode começar muito bem com um belo café da manhã ☕ para seu bolo brilhar.
O bolo é leve e marcante, pois o limão siciliano quebra qualquer excesso de doce trazido pelo açúcar
A receita é adaptada de uma bem famosinha da chef Nigella Lawson que ela batizou de “Lemon Polenta Cake”, ou bolo de polenta com limão siciliano.
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