love and air
6 de Junho de 2017, 13:06Poetry and Photography of Kavi Jezzie Hockaday
i cannot tell the difference
between love and air
i need both
to survive
both are equally neglected
and taken for granted
but i imagine
if we removed love
it would have the same effect
as removing the air
we would suffocate
you don’t really notice something
until its gone
but love and air
the invisible forces
are what holds it all together
we woud do well
to remember this
in these hateful days
Billy No Mates
6 de Junho de 2017, 13:05Long time readers will know that I’m an avid fan of Ansel Adams. Sitting on my desk right now is a book called “Ansel Adams 400 Photographs”, I’ve read it cover to cover, or to be more accurate, I’ve looked at every one of the 400 photographs included in the book. Several times over.
I can’t verbalize the internal meaning of pictures whatsoever. Some of my friends can at very mystical levels, but I prefer to say that, if I feel something strongly, I would make a photograph, that would be the equivalent of what I saw and felt. – Ansel Adams
I’m not at the mystical level. for me, nearly all of the photographs show a unique style and technical mastery, coupled with an amazing sense of composition.
So you might be asking “what’s this got to do with friends”? The answer is nothing and here’s the thing. I…
Ver o post original 515 mais palavras
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6 de Junho de 2017, 8:19Publicado originalmente em LA POLÉMICA.: Una importante investigación contra el terrorismo islámico estaba en curso ayer por la noche, después que estalló una crisis de rehenes en la que un hombre armado, que se encontraba en libertad condicional y otro hombre murieron, mientras que tres policías resultaron heridos en un bloque de apartamentos en…
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Pobre de direita: ele ganha 2 mil (por fora) e tem pena do patrão | Blog da Cidadania
6 de Junho de 2017, 8:01Chuva na tarde escura. Lanterna e farol enguiçados. Paro em uma oficina. O mecânico – empregado, mal pago, explorado com salário aviltante e horário de trabalho extenuante – entoa defesa do patrão que me deixa perturbado. Escrevo de madrugada. A burrice daquele pobre coitado não me sai da cabeça. Leia. E chore.
Fonte: Pobre de direita: ele ganha 2 mil (por fora) e tem pena do patrão | Blog da Cidadania