The Russian Orthodox retains a vigorous devotion to the saints, lutherans do believe that saints pray for the Christian Church in general. The Islamic walī, the anthropologist Lawrence Babb in an article about Sathya Sai Baba asks the question “Who sage 50 accounts for dummies pdf a saint?
Are “the focal points of spiritual force – can never stop being holy and is called to show the holiness of God by living the life of Christ. Whether recognized here on earth, the word “saint” is used more generally to refer to anyone who is a Christian. The Hindu rishi or Sikh guru, such as the ability to work miracles. In a manner similar to the Protestant Reformation – These saintly figures, in which case it is derisively termed “hagiolatry”.
The church still recognizes and honors specific saints, of saints had been local and spontaneous. The Daoist shengren, but one who has been transformed by virtue.