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Creative Commons: what it is and why to use it

20 de Maio de 2012, 21:00 , por Vicente Aguiar - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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Creative Commons


In the times of the digital, content sharing and collaborative actions, there is almost no place for the phrase "all rights reserved". In this new world, where the internet has an essential role in people's daily life, we need to reform the existing copyright legislation. Since that reform didn't come yet, content producers seek solutions for this conflict.

One of the most successful initiatives is  Creative Commons, a non-profit project that proposes a set of licenses that give more flexibility in the distribution of works protected by copyight. The goal is to empower the author to let others make wide use of her work without infringing copyright. By using one of the Creative Commons licenses, a blogger can authorize republication of her work by other authors and in other media, be it in part or integrally.

As a initiative that values free culture on the internet, Blogoosfero supports Creative Commons and suggests its users to use a Creative Commons license.

But make no mistakes, using a CC license does not mean "losing income". By using a Creative Commons license, authors can allow their work to be used in a more flexible way, creating the conditions for their work to have a greater visibility, while deciding in which circumstances their work can be used by third parties.

For example: a writer can allow part or all of his work to be used by other writers, except if this use is for comercial purposes. That is, the freedom does not void the author's possibilitiy of making money. You can charge a fee for having your work used with commercial purposes. Think about it and see the advantages of using a Creative Commons license, for you and for our culture.

Learn more:

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