Originally posted on TIME:
Amazon put the rumors to bed on Wednesday and announced the Fire Phone, the company’s first smartphone.
The market is already full of high-end handsets, so it’ll be tricky for Amazon to stand out from the herd. But here are several things that the retailer hopes will get your attention:
It Has the 3D Gimmick Everyone Expected
As rumored, the Fire Phone has multiple cameras on the front that can track the position of the user’s head, creating a 3D effect as your perspective shifts.
It’s not just about curb appeal; tilting the phone can reveal hidden menus, such as a search bar or an options panel. Users can also scroll through books and web pages by tilting. Developers can also build 3D tilt effects into their games and apps.
The Hardware Has Some Nice Touches
On paper, the Fire Phone’s tech specs don’t seem much different from…
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