Originally posted on juandon. Innovación y conocimiento:
intentaremos explicar como emplear la Gamificatipn tanto en los aprendizajes como en planteamientos de una nueva sociedad.
Pero ya les adelato que si en algo no estoy de acuerdo es que la Gamification debe partir de unas normas ore crípticas y cerradas, eso no puede servir en una época que lo que aboga es precisamente por lo contrario, por la obertura, la diversidad…
The Difference Between Gamification And Game-Based Learning… The Difference Between Gamification And Game-Based LearningGamification and game-based learning are each buzzwords (and buzzphrases) in education. Each can offer your classroom something, but many mistake one for the other.
Can you tell the difference?
The Definition Of Gamification
The definition of gamification is the application of game-like mechanics to non-game entities to encourage a specific behavior.
What It’s Not
Gamification is not game-based learning, nor does it require students to play games, with toys, use electronics…
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