Bioengineered Art
30 de Outubro de 2013, 14:29 - sem comentários aindaReblogged from The ancient eavesdropper:
Either there are some big bower birds on campus or humans have been mimicking their huts through bioengineered art! This is the first time I've seen willow walls used primarily for aesthetic purposes rather than functional stream bank stability structures. However, I'm sure this unorthodox set of wicker furniture (or free-form procession of saddles appropriated from Deborah Butterfield's horse sculptures) still provides suitable habitat for resident wildlife!
The Force is with These Star Wars Bloopers
30 de Outubro de 2013, 14:17 - sem comentários aindaBetter than normal bloopers are the long-lost bloopers of a much-loved film. Recently, some old Star Wars bloopers surfaced on YouTube which shows that not everything went smoothly a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. And we also get to see why stormtroopers struggle so much with their job. Not only can they not see anything in that helmet but they can barely stand up straight.
The Force is with These Star Wars Bloopers
30 de Outubro de 2013, 14:17 - sem comentários aindaBetter than normal bloopers are the long-lost bloopers of a much-loved film. Recently, some old Star Wars bloopers surfaced on YouTube which shows that not everything went smoothly a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. And we also get to see why stormtroopers struggle so much with their job. Not only can they not see anything in that helmet but they can barely stand up straight.
Funcionários da prefeitura de SP são presos acusados de lesar cofres públicos
30 de Outubro de 2013, 13:23 - sem comentários aindaSee on – BOCA NO TROMBONE!
Quatro servidores da Subsecretaria da Receita da Prefeitura de São Paulo foram presos nesta quarta-feira acusados de desvio de recursos públicos de, pelo menos, R$ 200 milhões, nos últimos três anos.
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