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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

(7) ‘Gerald Spitzner spricht über Bachs KUNST DER FUGE Cp.8

25 de Outubro de 2014, 11:42, por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda

Originally posted on veniteaustria:

(7) ‘Gerald Spitzner spricht über Bachs “DIE KUNST DER FUGE”, Cp.8, BWV1080

Contrapunctus VIII
(3 Fugen-Themen)

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Adventures In Rome… Post 72: Sexy Scaffolding?

25 de Outubro de 2014, 11:37, por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda

Originally posted on Epiphabets:


When most of us think of scaffolding we think of the unsightly structures that are used to support people and materials in constructions areas.

In my lifetime I have seen more than enough ugly scaffolding and would be quite happy never to see it again.

However, reality dictates otherwise.

There is perpetual need for scaffolding as buildings, bridges, and monuments age and need repair.

There is no place that you will see more scaffolding than in an ancient city where frantic construction is taking place to save crumbling buildings and structures that are thousands of years old.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I learned that scaffolding didn’t have to be ugly anymore.


In fact, in Rome it is all to easy to walk by a building and not even notice that it is under construction.


Imaginative engineers have even come up with what can be considered as nothing less than…

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Why I can’t celebrate Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize.

25 de Outubro de 2014, 11:34, por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda

Originally posted on middle east revised:

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded this Friday to India’s Kailash Satyarthi and Pakistan’s Malala Yousafzai for their struggles against the suppression of children and for young people’s rights, including the right to education. That is great news, and it might almost mean Nobel Peace Prize makes sense again, after being awarded to Barack Obama in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”, and to European Union in 2012 “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe”.

Still, there is something that really troubles me. How come we (meaning the West) always recognize the “devils” of the East, the torments children like Malala had to and have to go through (in her case, with the Taliban), but always fail to recognize our own participation in creating those “devils”? How come we never…

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25 de Outubro de 2014, 7:20, por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda

Originally posted on Source of Inspiration:


Today, tomorrow, forever
how long is eternity?
Universes extending
into universes
some ideas are too big
to fit into this little brain;
it simply shuts down
refuses to think about it.

God’s love of us all
is one of those big ideas that
I can’t get my hands around.
To love all unconditionally,
how can this be?
When I consider how
fragile is my ability to love
compared to God’s,
it seems less than
even a sparkle from a star.
Yet I offer it,
imperfect though my love be,
to my Creator and to all
who comes from him,
air, earth and sea.

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Dilma 13

25 de Outubro de 2014, 7:17, por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda

Originally posted on Ficha Corrida:

Dilma ontem e hojeFaço neste momento uma constatação que explica porque Dilma vai vencer as eleições.

Primeiro, por um erro estratégico, a oposição vendeu a ideia, não de governo, mas de exclusão do PT. Ninguém se cacifa para comandar alguma coisa, por mais singela que for, simplesmente com programa de exclusão. Onde há mais carga negativo, ódio, a tendência é a rejeição, simplesmente porque o ser humano necessita de esperança, de vislumbrar a construção de uma vida melhor.

Segundo, as contradições das propostas da oposição. Ficam durante 4 anos negando, votando contra medidas populares. Quando chega a época da eleição, prometem não só dar continuidade como aumentar aquilo que bateram contra. As pessoas mais bem informadas se dão conta disso. Quem não haveria de lembrar que durante o governo de FHC foi criada a CPMF, contribuição sobre as transações financeiras para ser destinada à saúde. Bastou perderem as eleições que revogam…

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