4 de Fevereiro de 2014, 19:04 - sem comentários aindahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQF4qN-8u0k#t=24
A historically important queer exhibition is currently running at the Museum of Contemporary Art in West Hollywood featuring the works of Bob Mizer (1922-1992) and Touko Laaksonen, a.k.a. "Tom of Finland" (1920-1991).
Titled "Bob Mizer & Tom of Finland," the exhibition is the first to ever feature the work of the two artists simultaneously. Both artists are crucial to the development of queer art and have radical political significance for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement.
4 de Fevereiro de 2014, 19:03 - sem comentários aindaReblogged from Micah Richardson:
This week is going to be spent moving into a new studio! Like most folks, I do not enjoy moving. However, I am thrilled about the great new space. Not to mention, the person I am going to be sharing space with (Gale Whitman, my current studio neighbor) is fabulous! Leaving Poudre Studio Artists and Galleries is a bit sad, as it's been so good to me, but new adventures await.
Estado de Nova York, nos EUA, quer eliminar mais de 2 mil cisnes
4 de Fevereiro de 2014, 19:02 - sem comentários aindaCasal alimenta cisnes na Baía Sheepshead, em Nova York, em 28 de janeiro deste ano. Departamento de Conservação do estado americano declarou guerra a esta espécie de ave por considerá-la invasora (Foto: Michael Kirby Smith/The New York Times)
O estado americano de Nova York, nos Estados Unidos, declarou guerra aos cisnes selvagens, alegando que essas aves representam uma ameaça aos aviões e contaminam as águas com suas fezes.