Nueva Mayoría, con el alma en la derecha
12 de Agosto de 2014, 3:15 - sem comentários aindaOriginally posted on América:
Aquello que se ofreció, prometió y comprometió ya ha sido abandonado como un trapo viejo que cumplió con su temporada útil: la campaña electoral.
Y lo que resta ahora es una retahíla de explicaciones intentando encubrir las mentiras de siempre, adoptando para el efecto otros nombres menos gravosos: gradualidad, mesura, reforma, responsabilidad.
Y, peor aún, quedaron con sus discursos pendiendo de sus labios aquellos que recitaron las preces de lo nuevo que era todo y de cómo las cosas ya…
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Justiça de SP afasta Robson Marinho do TCE
12 de Agosto de 2014, 3:01 - sem comentários aindaPara a juíza Maria Gabriella Pavlópoulos Spaolonzi, da 13ª Vara da Fazenda Pública da capital, Robson Marinho deve deixar o cargo no TCE imediatamente diante de indícios de recebimento de propina da Alstom em troca de contratos sem licitação com estatais…
LBI: This Is How We Do It
11 de Agosto de 2014, 18:51 - sem comentários aindaOriginally posted on Readings From the Northside:
Opinion Piece
11 de Agosto de 2014, 18:44 - sem comentários aindaOriginally posted on Emphatic Expression:
Still from “Dead Poet’s Society, starring Robin Williams
Some people think it’s silly to be moved or upset or report that a celebrity has died. After all, thousands of people die each day and no one takes notice. The way I see it, people like Robin Williams, have mastered a very particular art form and as a result, have often helped us see life from new perspectives. Their work has helped us through difficult times, moved us to be better people, made us laugh, and been influences to who we choose to be each day. Did “Popeye” change the world? Perhaps not. But it wasn’t without its fun and its lessons: “Wrong is wrong, even when it helps ya.”
Moreover, when anyone, famous or otherwise, resorts to suicide to stop the heart-wrenching, sickening, suffocating hold of depression, a modicum of compassion and humanity oughtn’t be that hard to show.
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RT ≠ Existential Crisis
11 de Agosto de 2014, 18:39 - sem comentários aindaOriginally posted on KristenRose:
Imagine you’re in an 18th century French salon, surrounded by intellectuals and elites discussing and debating ideas that are today known as the legacy of the Enlightenment. Not only the dress and behavior, but the very conversation will be dictated by convention. You may feel intense nervousness and pressure to speak up, worried about speaking with unrefined language or treading on a taboo topic. In the event you do say something, you know your reputation will be determined by the thoughts you share with them, and how you share them. Now imagine that every time you stand up, you say, “Now, I’m going to say some things to you, but just because I’m sharing them with you does NOT mean I endorse them!” Would this assuage your fear for your reputation among the public? Would this have any effect on how your listeners will judge you? Would this protect you from judgement…
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