New to Clash Royale? Chances are, you’re looking for some quick tips to get you ahead in the game. Here’s a bunch to get you going.
If you are buying Gems, then the strategy is going to be a little bit different. First, cheap Clash Royale gems on is the best price for you now. Gems could last for weeks or months before you run out. That's pretty nice. Then you guessed it, after purchasing Gems to buy the 10,000 Bundle of Gold or 100,000 Bundle of Gold, only use them again to open Chests when your Chest Row is full. When using Gems to open Chests, open Silver Chest during the day and then unlock Gold, Giant or Magical Chest while you sleep.
This also means you’ll need to be smart about how you build your deck to begin with. Sure, Princes and Giants are incredibly strong, but they both cost a hefty five Elixir points to cast. This could spell disastrous if those are the only two units out on the field for you, and you’re left recuperating your Elixir from zero afterwards.