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UNRISD: Universities and Social Inequalities in the Global South

Giugno 9, 2021 16:38 , by OtrasVocesenEducacion.org - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 61 times

Date: 18 Jun 2021 Time: 16.00–18.00 CET Location: Online Project Title: UNRISD Seminar Series This event is open to the public. Higher education can be a key driver of development and a force for social mobility. It can also be a path to overcome inequalities across gender and race by fostering labour market opportunities. But such outcomes are […]

Source: http://otrasvoceseneducacion.org/archivos/379540?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unrisd-universities-and-social-inequalities-in-the-global-south
