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anisio nogueira

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April 3, 2011 21:00 , par Inconnu - | No one following this article yet.


March 31, 2017 13:07, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

El Destrio

Se estaba poniendo el sol.

Su sombra se derramaba sobre el desfiladero de Kjwan’sib, la profunda herida en la planicie. Las guerreras djarn retenían con cadenas a los dingos a su alrededor, excitados por el olor de su piel embadurnada en sangre de cerdo. Sin otra vestidura que la espada en su mano, Duna tensó sus músculos, flexionó las piernas para reducir su estatura y se puso a la defensiva, con el desfiladero a su espalda, girando sobre sus pies atados y mirando uno tras otro a la jauría de ojos que pretendían acabar con ella.

Podía cortar los grilletes de sus tobillos con dos estocadas certeras. Después, si era rápida, deshacerse de un dingo, tal vez dos. Pero no podría sobrevivir a un ataque simultáneo de todas aquellas fieras entrenadas para matar.

Un largo camino la había llevado hasta aquel instante desesperado. Ahora todo dependía de la mano firme de la djarn’fah…

Ver o post original 1.004 mais palavras

Who am I ,when I’m exasperated ?

March 31, 2017 13:06, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Prerna's blog

I am a hot head right now !!

I am the kind of person who can’t tolerate lies and unethical behavior ,

the kind of person who can’t let the truth be overshadowed by lie or dishonesty ,

the kind of person who would like to reveal as well as resolve all the villainy ,

the kind of person who can’t tolerate anybody being bullied ,

the kind of person who has a soft yet unbreakable heart ,

the kind of person who has to make the dawn appear after a long period of darkness and distress ,

the kind of person who believes in, “Words speak louder than actions” ,

and still remain polite when in anger.

Thank you for listening 🙂

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March 31, 2017 13:05, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Hindsight Bias

Herbert Uba

When I play god,
Penning life onto paper.
I sometimes unleash the devil
To protect an angel within.

Paint a girl away,
Into my gallery of infinite.
Deny her a name;
Brand her Just Another Fantasy.

Zoom out that face I admire;
Be agnostic about her beatific eyes.
The childish excitement she imparts,
Onto the clit I know not.

Because this is easy;
No complications involved.
Just pack her away
Into my collection.

The fact that she gets it
Is suspect like Hilary’s emails.
I scroll her compliments down fast
And insist she should be boxed.

Would she hate me
For wanting to be simple?
Would she understand if
I showed her my History syllabus?

So I close my eyes
To reset my understanding;
Open them up to
More mysteries.

If I dismantle her,
Each bit still beats me;
If I bunch her up again,
The wit bill hits…

Ver o post original 23 mais palavras

Senado tende a aprovar lei contra abuso de autoridade sem sugestões de Janot | GGN

March 31, 2017 9:10, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Foto: Agência SenadoJornal GGN – É destaque na coluna do jornalista Lauro Jardim, em O Globo, que um encontro na residência oficial da Presidência do Senado na noite de terça (28), entre Rodrigo Maia

Fonte: Senado tende a aprovar lei contra abuso de autoridade sem sugestões de Janot | GGN

Satanist group launches campaign to buy warm clothes for the disadvantaged

March 31, 2017 8:59, par O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

A Satanic campaign to buy warm clothes for disadvantaged people has been blessed by an Auckland reverend, while drawing the ire of Family First. Satani

Fonte: Satanist group launches campaign to buy warm clothes for the disadvantaged

anisio nogueira

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